People do this because society pressure's people into believing that being muscular will make you standout/better than the rest. People that inject synthol still have to workout just not as long or as hard as someone would naturally.
Do you know how synthol works? It's basically oil implant injected to a desired location to make your muscles look bigger (muscle tissue gets swollen). It's not like steroids. Nothing to do with increasing real muscle mass. Possibly have to work out somewhat so all that oil doesn't start leaking everywhere? This shit is like breast implants but for men... Well even worse considering the crap it does to your health... Scarring and other nasty stuff happens...
Roids make it possible to whoop your ass even more since you don't need as much rest as you would naturally to increase muscle mass. It's a common misconception that steroid users just build muscle faster without working out as hard as the natural guy. Just allows them to work even harder and shorten the rest intervals. Still kind of pointless and not so healthy.
Yes go natural or go home! Good nutrition and possibly some supplements (if you don't want to eat chicken salad everyday
) is all you really need.