
What do you think of "Faction Type" feature?

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Author Topic: [Strat Suggestion] Faction Types: Kingdoms, Vassals, Bandits and many others ...  (Read 3157 times)

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Offline BattalGazi

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Hi all,

This is a suggestion to enrich the game experience for strategus, which is currently only favoring factions with a great number of members. We know the plot of every strategus session and how it will end; some very big factions will grow over smaller ones, and one side of alliances will win the round as always. Although this might be satisfactory for these aforementioned big factions, smaller factions and individual players cannot get what they want from this great gaming idea. That is why, I am posting here a comprehensive suggestion to include more players and add more dynamics to the strategus game. Please note that it is still open for improvement and all sorts of contributions are welcome. Here it goes:

Summary: This is basically a "faction type" implementation which will be selected by every faction in strategus at the beginning of the round. Depending of the type, each faction will have advantages and disadvantages over each other. This selection will basically limit the growth of huge factions, make them dependent on or afraid of smaller factions. This will naturally encourage smaller size factions or even single heroes to be effective in strategus and provide different styles of relations with other factions like being a merchant, mercenary, vassal, bandit or infiltrator. 

Faction Types

Calradia world is big and full of opportunities, therefore people and factions might choose their own way on how to benefit from this world. This faction type is basically a decision that needs to be taken by the faction founders at the beginning of the round, just like server region. This decision will influence the properties of the faction, and all the members who join it through time.  Here are the faction types and their features:

Kingdoms, Vassals, Bandits, Mercenaries, Merchants, Infiltrators


Description: This is for big factions who want to grow and rule Calradia. The mechanics are very similar to what we have right now. A kingdom can have several vassals. Additionally, a kingdom can make another kingdom its vassal by capturing most of its fiefs and making a ceasefire agreement by forcing them to change their faction type into "vassals".
Fiefs: They can capture villages, castles and cities. There is no limit to the number of fiefs this faction can have. However, size brings issues. The rate of crime in fiefs, and general upkeep for members gradually increase with the number of fiefs owned. Kingdoms are not allowed to raid fiefs. The fief count of a kingdom must be larger than the sum of fiefs of its vassals.
Production: Kingdoms can produce a good variety of goods. However only a very few number of items can be produced in highest quality. That is why kingdoms need vassals or merchants to grow stronger. The price of production and capacity is dependent on the size of the faction: the prices go down and capacity increases per unit as faction grows.
Trade: Kingdoms can trade with other kingdoms, their vassals and merchants. The capacity of the trade depends on the size of the faction and its partner. Trade margins and profits are negotiable within other kingdoms. Trade with vassals and merchants are explained in relevant faction types.
Armies: Kingdom armies can be vast and shiny. But they are slow and costly. Kingdoms can recruit their own armies, call their vassals to arms or make deals with mercenary factions. When a kingdom army attacks, the battle is scheduled one day after, as kingdom campaigns are big and take time
Map Options: Members of a kingdom faction have variable speed and visibility properties. The movement speed is calculated with respect to size and load of a member's hero. Range of sight depends on the size of hero's army: bigger the size, larger the range of sight. This is two-sided though: small armies have more chances to be unnoticed by others.


Description: This is for smaller factions who thrive to be bigger one day. A vassal can have 1 ruling kingdom, which can be chosen after a cooldown time in the beginning of the round. A vassal cannot have more fiefs than its kingdom. They have a mutual survival relationship with kingdoms. The vassal of one kingdom can be captured by another kingdom and forced to change its ruling kingdom.
Fiefs: They can capture a limited number of villages, and at most 1 castle but no cities. As the size of this faction is smaller, they have lower rate of crime in fiefs and lower general upkeep for members. Vassals cannot raid fiefs.
Production: Vassals can produce a small variety of goods. But they have some very high quality special products that can be sold to kingdoms. The price of production and capacity is still dependent on the size of the faction: the prices go down and capacity increases per unit as faction grows. But they have a bonus for their special products.
Trade: Vassals can trade with their kingdom, other vassals and merchants. The capacity of the trade depends on the size of the faction and its partner. Prices and margins for the trade of "special vassal products" can be defined by the producer vassal and receive bonus for this trade.
Armies: Vassal armies are smaller and weaker compared to kingdom armies. However, they are faster and cheaper to upkeep. Vassals can recruit their own armies or make deals with mercenaries. Vassals need to send armies to their kingdoms if they are asked, but they can ask for help from their kingdom if needed. Same with kingdoms, when a vassal army attacks, the battle is scheduled the next day.
Map Options: Members of a vassal faction have variable speed and visibility properties. The movement speed is calculated with respect to size and load of a member's hero. Range of sight depends on the size of hero's army: bigger the size, larger the range of sight. This is two-sided though: small armies have more chances to be unnoticed by others.


Description: This is for smaller factions who has chosen the dark side. They are one of the main balancing elements in the game to terrorize the map and present challenge for bigger factions. They are basically nomadic factions that need to relocate on the map in given periods.
Fiefs: They can capture a single village at the beginning of the round, to generate required items and army. After a cooldown time, they need to leave this village. After that, bandits are not allowed to capture any fief, they can only raid fiefs. However, bandits can find and settle in "invisible hideouts" in forests or mountain tops which can stand only for 1-2 months, and they will need to relocate. They can have at most 1 hideout at a time, found by any member.
Production: Bandits have high production capacities and but very small variety and quality. They can produce very low quality units without the necessity of being in a fief.  Bandit hideouts can produce better quality units but never as good as any other faction type's production quality. Bandits can produce horses for cheaper.
Trade: Bandits cannot trade with any other faction, but they can buy/sell units in neutral fiefs like everyone else. Bandits loot the trade caravans instead.
Armies: Bandit armies can be medium sized but armed with lower quality weapons unless these weapons are provided from raiding. Bandit hideouts are good at generating recruits. When a bandit army attacks, the battle is scheduled much sooner than other factions, e.g. in the next 6 hours. This enables "hit and run" strategy making other factions' units more vulnerable to bandit attacks. On the other hand, bandit faction members need to organize better to find roster for their battles. People from other factions can help bandits for roster support by simply choosing "fight with masks" during application which hides their name in the battle. (This makes "Pseudonym" option in roster application more useful for Bandit battles.)
Map Options: Bandits have access to horses earlier than other factions, which will increase their movement speed. Range of sight of a bandit hero is larger by default than others, and sight increases with respect to size. Bandits also have the option to drop goods to increase their speed if they need to.


Description: This is for smaller factions who make money by fighting for others. Mercenaries have open ended contracts with all sorts of factions. Mercenaries can send armies for both sides in a war and they can roster for both sides without the need to hide their names.
Fiefs: They can raid neutral castles and towns but they can only have 1 castle and 1 village.
Production: They can produce a single complete set of high quality equipment which makes them famous for their elite soldiers; e.g. Swiss Halberdiers. This set can be chosen at the beginning of the round but can be changed within long periods. For this complete set, they have bonus for capacity and cost. But for other units, they have low variety and capacity.
Trade: They can trade with other factions but they actually make their biggest income from trading their armies.
Armies: They can have their own armies. But most importantly, their armies can be traded with other factions. Upon request, mercs can either sell or lend their armies. Mercenary faction can define the prices for both of these options. When the army is sold, there is a single money transaction. When the army is lent, mercenary faction receives the decided amount of money every hour/day. When mercenaries sell their armies, that army must be taken to customer's lands and transaction is completed there. A lent army joins customer's faction temporarily and makes money accordingly. A lent army joins back to its original mercenary faction if it survives the attack. When mercs attack, the battle is scheduled the same way with kingdoms and vassals.
Map Options: Mercenary heroes have same speed and range of sight properties with kingdoms and vassals.


Description: This is for smaller factions whose goal is to make money peacefully. They are not part of any kingdom or vassals, they are basically independent and free trade territories.
Fiefs: They can have 2-3 villages and 1 city at most. They cannot raid.
Production: They have a large variety of products with changing quality. They receive bonus for the items being sold to other factions over time.
Trade: Trade is the core of this faction. They can make trades with any type of faction, as they have a big variety of units, they can make a good amount of money from trading.
Armies: They can have their own armies to defend themselves. It is up to the faction to decide how to get this army; they can either make their own or ask for mercenaries to give them armies. As they do not belong to any kingdom, they cannot call for help. Merchant fiefs cannot be taken by any faction, they can only be attacked by bandits and get raided. Merchant armies are only needed to get the fiefs needed (until the limit) and defend the region against bandits. When a merchant army attacks, the battle is scheduled the next day.
Map Options: Merchants have large range of sight, their movement speed is the same with kingdoms, vassals and mercenaries. Merchant caravans can drop their goods to escape from attacking bandits.


Description: This is mainly for neutral and individual players who would like to play a game of "cloak and dagger", playing their role in the outcome of wars of "big landlords" or merely making profit by offering their arts of discretion. The only thing they own is, contacts. With those contacts they can do certain things. This is explained more in detail.
Fiefs: Infiltrators can only enter a fief. Raiding and attacking settlements is not an option for them. They can't own them as well. In return, they are invisible to the fief owner once they have entered a fief; though they can be seen under certain circumstances. Explained later.
Production: As  infiltrators can not own any fiefs, they can not produce anything since they have no settlements and they will not be able to carry any equipment in their inventories. Instead, they "establish" contacts with their strat tickets. Those contacts will cost upkeep, if not getting paid they will be disbanded. The amount of contacts will be displayed in the inventory and they will not slow the infiltrator on map. They are merely to show what the infiltrator has. Those contacts will make the difference in getting caught or being succesful in the actions.
Trade: To your great surprise, infiltrators also can't trade. However, they have certain weapons at their disposal to be involved with the trading business.
Armies: Infiltrators own no armies.
Map Options: Infiltrators are seen as 1 man armies on the map, if one has the chance get that much close enough to see them on the map. Infiltrators move at great speed on the map, and an army needs to get very close to their party to spot them. That being said, they have the option to hide in friendly parties. Alternatively, infiltrators can try to sneak into a party with some risk involved. Again, this will be explained later in more detail.

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Throughout the game, shifts from one type of faction to another might be possible, the details can be worked out. Every faction type should have an advantage over the other in some ways.
What do you think?

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« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 02:02:37 pm by BattalGazi »

Offline BattalGazi

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Re: [Strat Suggestion] Faction Types: Kingdoms, Vassals & Bandits
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2014, 12:35:16 pm »
The first post is updated with incoming contributions ...

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« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 04:12:58 pm by BattalGazi »

Offline kinngrimm

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Re: [Strat Suggestion] Faction Types: Kingdoms, Vassals & Bandits
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2014, 01:12:08 pm »
Roles choosable at first login to strategus, so you would choose a role for yourself. Changable with 1 month cooldown in settings.

Only same roles can band together in a faction, the faction type is defined by the dudes role who founds the faction.

addional role idears:

Mercs: can raid castles and towns, can own max 1 castle.
Bandits:  no landowner capability, but can raid villages, can set up undetectable camp(max 1) inside of forests(once every 1 month choosing a new loocation possible), Bandits themselves can only be attacked by kingdom or vassal factions.
Traders: can own max 2 villages, no raiding capabilites, traders can only be attacked by bandits, traders cant be reinforced by kingdoms or vassals. If a bandit successfully takes the cargo, he can choose to drop 1/3 to speed up his travelling time and get away from possibly waiting patrolls.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 01:17:04 pm by kinngrimm »
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Re: [Strat Suggestion] Faction Types: Kingdoms, Vassals & Bandits
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2014, 03:53:39 pm »
Actually, having no official labels is what makes Startegus fun, and allows for some intrigue and deception.  Plus, any rules about faction sizes could easily be circumvented by splitting into smaller factions or joining smaller factions together, but still working in unison in either case.

What I'm saying is; this system if accusing everyone of being a FCC vassal or an Occitan vassal is working perfectly fine!

Offline BattalGazi

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Re: [Strat Suggestion] Faction Types: Kingdoms, Vassals & Bandits
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2014, 04:13:51 pm »
I am updating the first post upon additional suggestions.

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Re: [Strat Suggestion] Faction Types: Kingdoms, Vassals & Bandits
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2014, 04:18:49 pm »
Kingdoms should be able to vassalise each other as well as take the vassals of their enemies.

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Re: [Strat Suggestion] Faction Types: Kingdoms, Vassals & Bandits
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2014, 04:30:17 pm »
Good idea! Would make strat more interesting =)

Offline Kamirane

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Re: [Strat Suggestion] Faction Types: Kingdoms, Vassals & Bandits
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2014, 04:34:21 pm »
Good idea! Would make strat more interesting =)

I like the Idea. But what keeps CRPG-Clans away to create more as one Faction and we still have the same thing as before?

Offline kinngrimm

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Re: [Strat Suggestion] Faction Types: Kingdoms, Vassals & Bandits
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2014, 04:59:22 pm »
I like the Idea. But what keeps CRPG-Clans away to create more as one Faction and we still have the same thing as before?
I dont see this exactly as anti-carebear system, but more as a roleplay support. So that certain types of play become possible. The freest would be Kingdom/vassalges, the most restricted but also most protected the traders.
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Offline BattalGazi

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This is a suggestion to ensure rich role playing in strategus. It is not intended to destroy huge factions, but more to introduce new factions, game styles and more importantly, a chance for small factions to survive and have fun till the end of round.

Offline Kamirane

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Re: [Strat Suggestion] Faction Types: Kingdoms, Vassals & Bandits
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2014, 07:40:19 pm »
I dont see this exactly as anti-carebear system, but more as a roleplay support. So that certain types of play become possible. The freest would be Kingdom/vassalges, the most restricted but also most protected the traders.

and thats why i like the idea

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Didn't read but support.

Offline BattalGazi

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Thanks to all who contributed, please don't hesitate to comment.

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The Greatest Suggestion for strategus ever!

A few ideas:

As kingdoms become larger, they almost get penalized in every way. So I guess they will have to divide their factions into vassalages. I think this is extremely good that it will be more possible to see some actual feudal system, lords being displayed as seperate powers and being less dependant upon their kings etc.

However kingdoms, vassals etc. get penalized in every way when they grow. I think it's overdone. A kingdom's size should have no effect on their army marching speed, etc. That is a bit ridiculous. So my suggestion is:
It would have been better if more troops would lead the parties to march slower, regardless of the faction type. Kingdoms will have to employ large armies anyway, so it doesn't need to be hardcoded for them to do so. Same goes for caravan movement speed. They will already be carrying a lot of goods with them anyway, so why code their parties to move slower on the map?

Bandits will also have acess to cheaper horses and they won't be as large as kingdom armies anyway. Do they really need to gain bonus movement on the map, to catch up already slow caravans?
Quote from: BlindGuy
Seems the fascists are gaining ground once again in UKR... right vving politics is SO bad for the general populace but STILL in times of trouble the uneducated turn to them for help, simply because they are so amoral they vvill supply those vvilling to fight vvith vveapons rather than knovvledge.

My UU key is broken incase you can't tell :D

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Thanks for all the contributions. Please keep on commenting.