First of all, thank you for adding new weapons to the game, it gives a bit of freshness to it (which is always good thing).
I wanted to try some of new stuff, and since I'm playing 2h alt recently, my choice went to Flambard.
Let's look at it's stats first:
weight: 2.5
difficulty: 15
speed rating: 95
weapon length: 117
thrust damage: 20 pierce
swing damage: 40 cut
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback
Secondary Mode
I have to say, this weapon is completely unused on EU_1. I know it's new, but there is simply no reason to loom it.
Let's compare it to Claymore, one of my favourite 2h sword in game:
Highland Claymore
weight: 3 [+0.5]
difficulty: 16
speed rating: 93 [-2]
weapon length: 117
thrust damage: 22 pierce [+2]
swing damage: 43 cut [+3]
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback
Secondary Mode
Claymore is heavier, does
much more damage (3 swing, 2 thrust) and got 2 speed less with same length (both are medium-length 2h swords).
Now, let's compare it to something longer:
Sword of War
weight: 3 [+0.5]
difficulty: 15
speed rating: 94 [-1]
weapon length: 121 [+4]
thrust damage: 23 pierce [+3]
swing damage: 40 cut
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback
Secondary Mode
Sword of War is heavier, longer, has 3 more thrust damage and just 1 speed less than Flambard.
Flambard at the moment is just pretty bad choice comparing to other swords, and I think that's main reason why no one uses it. Just 20 thrust damage makes it one of the worst stabbing sword in game. It's swing also isn't any good (German Greatsword, which in general has weak swing damage, has just 1 swing damage less than Flambard, but 7 thrust damage more).
As I understand, you want to keep this sword with low stab damage, but 2 less than Claymore, 3 less than Sword of War, even 3 less than Longsword seems to be a bit too much. My suggestion is to give it
+1 swing and
+1 thrust damage for start, and see how it will work out.
So final stats will look like:
weight: 2.5
difficulty: 15
speed rating: 95
weapon length: 117
thrust damage: 21 pierce thrust damage: 20 pierce
swing damage: 41 cut swing damage: 40 cut
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback
Secondary Mode
It will still be bad stabbing sword, but it's stab should be much more usable than it is now. Also, 41 damage will give it some swing damage advantage over Sword of War. It will still lack length, weight and thrust damage comparing to Sword of War, but it will have +1 swing damage and +1 speed at least.
Maybe after those changes we will see more Flambards in game. I know it took some effort to put this weapon into the game in first place, so it will be a shame to waste it just because of poor stats