Author Topic: Calling in our Favours...  (Read 22296 times)

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Re: Calling in our Favours...
« Reply #165 on: March 10, 2014, 11:40:01 am »
Gentlemen..... it's a game.


Teuts calm down, we all know that Nehvar has had over 300 confirmed kills and all that bollocks.

Also just saw your sig, if anything that doesn't show that you're doing anything righteous it just shows that if someone talks  back to you or does anything you don't deem acceptable; you'll take extreme action towards them. Instead of muting this time you banned the person.
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Re: Calling in our Favours...
« Reply #166 on: March 10, 2014, 03:44:41 pm »
How Many more battles do they have to lose until u admit the obnvious

Yes it's obvious, we have approximately 4 people doing stuff in strat, and have no central coordination.  Our members largely do not play strat, and one of the more active ones who do (myself) doesn't have time to actually play crpg or fight in strat battles, I can only move a little pixel around a map while I'm at work. 

It was retarded to pick a fight with gforce/gobblins (or to have people spawn into strat who were only going to be "active" (converting ticks to troops) for a week).  And even more retarded to not try to come to some sort of peace/terms instead of full blown war with people who are more active, and have a much larger player base. 

But I'm never in teamspeak, and can't really coordinate with our members, so it's easy for me to sit back and be critical.  I do however, give my advice freely to our members when I hear of any plans we have.  One of them was that goretooth should probably not attack tydeus since he was part of gforce, and they were planning on settling near/on top of us, in the desert.

That being said, I've seen our roster support, and it makes it hard to win battles if you have less quality & quantity of mercs.  But I think that goes back to Hospi's being a popular target to hate, and not having members who are very active in crpg/strat (so they don't make the rounds socializing in other factions' teamspeaks). 
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Re: Calling in our Favours...
« Reply #167 on: March 10, 2014, 04:00:29 pm »
Yes it's obvious, we have approximately 4 people doing stuff in strat, and have no central coordination.  Our members largely do not play strat, and one of the more active ones who do (myself) doesn't have time to actually play crpg or fight in strat battles, I can only move a little pixel around a map while I'm at work. 

It was retarded to pick a fight with gforce/gobblins (or to have people spawn into strat who were only going to be "active" (converting ticks to troops) for a week).  And even more retarded to not try to come to some sort of peace/terms instead of full blown war with people who are more active, and have a much larger player base. 

But I'm never in teamspeak, and can't really coordinate with our members, so it's easy for me to sit back and be critical.  I do however, give my advice freely to our members when I hear of any plans we have.  One of them was that goretooth should probably not attack tydeus since he was part of gforce, and they were planning on settling near/on top of us, in the desert.

That being said, I've seen our roster support, and it makes it hard to win battles if you have less quality & quantity of mercs.  But I think that goes back to Hospi's being a popular target to hate, and not having members who are very active in crpg/strat (so they don't make the rounds socializing in other factions' teamspeaks).

Fabio doesn't talk and nobody actually likes me or Giuseppe.  We only have 4 active a trat guys too.  I think a lot of your problems are made up.  However, I will say your active players
continuously make bad decisions when it actually comes to strat, and the sooner you admit that, the sooner you guys can get past your excuses.  Also referring to past strats over and over again isn't helping either.

Offline imisshotmail

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Re: Calling in our Favours...
« Reply #168 on: March 10, 2014, 07:50:52 pm »
Yes it's obvious, we have approximately 4 people doing stuff in strat, and have no central coordination.  Our members largely do not play strat, and one of the more active ones who do (myself) doesn't have time to actually play crpg or fight in strat battles, I can only move a little pixel around a map while I'm at work. 

It was retarded to pick a fight with gforce/gobblins (or to have people spawn into strat who were only going to be "active" (converting ticks to troops) for a week).  And even more retarded to not try to come to some sort of peace/terms instead of full blown war with people who are more active, and have a much larger player base. 

But I'm never in teamspeak, and can't really coordinate with our members, so it's easy for me to sit back and be critical.  I do however, give my advice freely to our members when I hear of any plans we have.  One of them was that goretooth should probably not attack tydeus since he was part of gforce, and they were planning on settling near/on top of us, in the desert.

That being said, I've seen our roster support, and it makes it hard to win battles if you have less quality & quantity of mercs.  But I think that goes back to Hospi's being a popular target to hate, and not having members who are very active in crpg/strat (so they don't make the rounds socializing in other factions' teamspeaks).

Maybe Hospitaller should get Huseby to do all their talking to other people since he seems the most reasonable now :?: :?: :?:

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Re: Calling in our Favours...
« Reply #169 on: March 10, 2014, 10:00:48 pm »
Its rare to hear with someone speak with such fire and passion, even if it is over a stupid game.  :)

Offline Peppovitch

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Re: Calling in our Favours...
« Reply #170 on: March 11, 2014, 01:03:12 am »
Maybe Hospitaller should get Huseby to do all their talking to other people since he seems the most reasonable now :?: :?: :?:

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The majority of the people who we care to associate with are NOT active on the forums.  Our big mistake is having members who really believe that the forum circle jerk represents the feelings of the game's entire populace.  In reality,  it's nothing more than the same group of trollish people who have been posting bullshit on here for the past 3 years.  The only difference now is that all the fragments from those broken forum clans have joined one disgusting pop up clan.

The bridges we have burned are with those groups who live for forum drama.  The others,  who we talk to on a regular basis,  you would have no  idea about,  since it's not on the forums. 

Huseby can try as he might to explain things here, but in the end, explaining anything on the forums is akin to convincing a toddler that they are actually Fig Newtons, not Pig Newtons.

The rest of us aren't worried though,  These pop up forum clans will not last very long.  Too many egos and too many trolls will have your clan crumbling soon enough.  Kinda like the Gobblins.


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Re: Calling in our Favours...
« Reply #171 on: March 11, 2014, 01:20:25 am »
The majority of the people who we care to associate with are NOT active on the forums.  Our big mistake is having members who really believe that the forum circle jerk represents the feelings of the game's entire populace.  In reality,  it's nothing more than the same group of trollish people who have been posting bullshit on here for the past 3 years.  The only difference now is that all the fragments from those broken forum clans have joined one disgusting pop up clan.

The bridges we have burned are with those groups who live for forum drama.  The others,  who we talk to on a regular basis,  you would have no  idea about,  since it's not on the forums. 

Huseby can try as he might to explain things here, but in the end, explaining anything on the forums is akin to convincing a toddler that they are actually Fig Newtons, not Pig Newtons.

The rest of us aren't worried though,  These pop up forum clans will not last very long.  Too many egos and too many trolls will have your clan crumbling soon enough.  Kinda like the Gobblins.

Your values are in disarray, and you're prioritizing horribly. You're unhappy with your riches because you're piss poor morally.  Always ignoring all prior advice and forewarning and yet you're mighty full of yourselves all of a sudden, aren't we?

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Re: Calling in our Favours...
« Reply #172 on: March 11, 2014, 01:36:16 am »
Your values are in disarray, and you're prioritizing horribly. You're unhappy with your riches because you're piss poor morally.  Always ignoring all prior advice and forewarning and yet you're mighty full of yourselves all of a sudden, aren't we?

Murder your going in a circle. Strategus needs to be more of a square while marriage is supposed to be like a circle.
We're all nerds here, so it doesn't really matter.

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Re: Calling in our Favours...
« Reply #173 on: March 11, 2014, 01:42:26 am »
The majority of the people who we care to associate with are NOT active on the forums.  Our big mistake is having members who really believe that the forum circle jerk represents the feelings of the game's entire populace.  In reality,  it's nothing more than the same group of trollish people who have been posting bullshit on here for the past 3 years.  The only difference now is that all the fragments from those broken forum clans have joined one disgusting pop up clan.

The bridges we have burned are with those groups who live for forum drama.  The others,  who we talk to on a regular basis,  you would have no  idea about,  since it's not on the forums. 

Huseby can try as he might to explain things here, but in the end, explaining anything on the forums is akin to convincing a toddler that they are actually Fig Newtons, not Pig Newtons.

The rest of us aren't worried though,  These pop up forum clans will not last very long.  Too many egos and too many trolls will have your clan crumbling soon enough.  Kinda like the Gobblins.

If the reason that you decided to not listen to things we Offered, is because you disliked us, then hey that's commendable because that's the exact reason we are attacking you too. The difference though is you guys shouted for 30 minutes about how you are going to destroy us and came off like the most hilarious man children ever, and now are getting thoroughly beaten because you're incapable of doing anything of note, and will always get destroyed easily when you don't have another clan bailing you out. Congrats I guess.

also, you have to be pretty delusional to not realise Hospitaller are disliked by the majority of NA players, and for good reason.

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Re: Calling in our Favours...
« Reply #174 on: March 11, 2014, 01:50:32 am »
meh, fcc fought the hosp longer than pretty much every one else combined and we do not dislike them. They were fun people to fight.
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Re: Calling in our Favours...
« Reply #175 on: March 11, 2014, 01:54:51 am »
meh, fcc fought the hosp longer than pretty much every one else combined and we do not dislike them. They were fun people to fight.

The other clan a bunch of people dislike. High praise.

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Re: Calling in our Favours...
« Reply #176 on: March 11, 2014, 01:55:04 am »
meh, fcc fought the hosp longer than pretty much every one else combined and we do not dislike them. They were fun people to fight.

Truth. Since Strat 2 if I remember correctly, BRD being instrumental in the destruction of the Northern Alliance, funded by Loki and the Saudi Oil Money. RIP Ecko_ATS.
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Re: Calling in our Favours...
« Reply #177 on: March 11, 2014, 01:58:55 am »

also, you have to be pretty delusional to not realise Hospitaller are disliked by the majority of NA players, and for good reason.

What reason is that? I personally like hospitaller compared to you for the simple fact of that when they post it isn't a "LOL bros high fives XDXDXDXDXD" post. They offer honest facts(not to be confused with opinions) that this gforce has only answered in a way that I view as that of a person who just wants attention.

The main reason(in my opinion) that hospitaller commonly gets out merc'd is because they don't play in game common enough to get enough friends to merc for them. I mean hell, I barely have been doing strat battles other than when people ask me to so far this shitty strat because of the behavior of nearly everybody, but Jesus do I just want to merc vs you just so I can kick you in the nuts.
We're all nerds here, so it doesn't really matter.

Offline Peppovitch

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Re: Calling in our Favours...
« Reply #178 on: March 11, 2014, 01:59:09 am »
meh, fcc fought the hosp longer than pretty much every one else combined and we do not dislike them. They were fun people to fight.

True that.  FCC was always a tough fight and great rival.  We had our differences at the time, but  it was never as bad as the gayforce and friends.  Murder, Daruvian, and hotmail going to town on the forums as if it's the last days it will be up.

At least back then we had a strong enemy that was motivating and fun to fight.
These new pop ups are taking the piss out of the game.

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Re: Calling in our Favours...
« Reply #179 on: March 11, 2014, 02:00:21 am »
Hospitaller, Fallen and FCC? bring in HoC and Acre and we can have a
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