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You fuck, or you get fucked.
I'm in high school at the moment and i see many individuals around me dating and what not, but once the time comes to end the relationship they get so down and depressed and w.e. I've always wanted to know what it's like to have someone special other then your family love you, but to me it now that it's a waste of time that brings nothing but pain and not really any gain. But yet people seem to be so happy together when they are dating and they seem to have a lot of fun. I now have mixed in regards to dating and i just want to know what you guys think about dating in high school and if you did what was the point of it? welp?
I mean, what else in life is there?
As someone who is still in high school too , I can only say;Don't hang up with stupid girls, months later, you will be like "omg how did I spent that much time with that idiot"true story!
just dont get one pregnant, or else you got some punching to do.
But in nowadays even abortion is forbiden in my country. So be carefull my kebab friends.
For religious reasons?#24/7islambashing
#destroyallreligion#whyamitalkinginhashtegz, dis eint no twitter
What is twitter?
You are a horrible human being clockwork.
Why not? By all means YES! Never did dating felt as good as it did when i was 15-16 And all the girls were 15-18 too, omg, it will be illegal for you to date them in few years, so go for it now! Girls will never look as good as they do in high school. Pros: - You will get then needed experience for future endeavors. - Huge self confidence boost. - Other males will respect you more ( even if the girl is not the most popular, as long as she is not a land-whale ) Cons: - Breaking up will mess you up pretty bad ( That one time, all i did after school, was waiting for a girl to call - literally did nothing else but sitting in a couch and looking at a phone ) - You will probably neglect everything else in your life ( who wants to study or do sports when you can date a 16 year old girl?.. ) - You will never know what's on a young girl's mind ( personally, I never understood what's going on ) Basically, same thing as dating as an adult, but less sex and an amplitude of your feelings will be a severe one.
Hahahahaha highschool dating!Hahahahabahahababahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Why are they all wearing bow ties? What am I missing