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« on: February 19, 2014, 03:07:11 am »
I know that these issues have probably been posted several times but they need to be mentioned again. Today after school i met a former crpg (the leader of the order of the gryphon) and he mentioned.
1. The grind for new players is a little to much and its turning them away from the game, in my opinion if possible we should put in place a system that causes to grind to intensify as you gen up.
2. Skip to fun is almost useless for new players who want to experiment with builds, see what they like etc. The 10k gold they give you is just not enough for new players to get the items they need to test out a class, unlike veterans the new players don't have a main that's rich and can transfer money whenever they please, raising the starting money to something like 30k would help solve this issue.

And anyone wanna let me on why they took away estoc stab from horse back, wasn't that the whole point of the weapon?
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Re: Issues
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2014, 03:14:30 am »
I agree, some effort should be put into this. The friends I've tried to recruit mostly just complain that people are too good though. Most people are too lazy to spend the time to get good at this game. I remember a solid 3 months of suckage and rage when I first started. Most don't have the will to make it.
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Re: Issues
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2014, 03:38:59 am »
I'm pretty sure every vet of this game went through a phase of getting crushed by players better than them. That's the learning process in crpg, you get stomped until you get good. Lets be real, very few gamers out there are willing to put themselves through that frustration - it would be hard to find a solution to that problem without dumbing down the game and its competitiveness in my opinion.

I think the best way to keep new players interested in the game and willing to take a little abuse at the beginning is by getting them interested in joining clans. Clans offer great resources to new players, especially tips and tricks from vets and any item they may want to give a try in the game. Along with that, they have a group of people who are actively encouraging them to keep on gaming with them. A lone player needs some serious resolve to learn the game and stick around.

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Re: Issues
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2014, 03:44:19 am »
Its ok for some games to have a very steep learning curve, most people who play cRPG wouldn't enjoy it if it was made too easy

But the levelling/retiring/looming system could be improved a lot. The diminishing returns on looming is backward, should taper off when you loom more rather than get most of the power at +3, and having more looms simply multiplies your power. Theres nothing stopping you having everything loomed and there aren't any downsides.

As well as that there is no level cap, though 34-36 is the main cap the game is designed to keep people between level 1-31 before they even have looms. There should be incentives to retire without that meaning you have a crappy character for days/weeks. You should probably autoretire or hit level cap at 31
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Re: Issues
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2014, 07:53:04 am »
It might be a silly suggestion, and there's sort of something already in place (the starter faction Peasants United?), but maybe add on Suggestion for your Regions EU or NA for factions you may join that could help you in the opening screen for "What is cRPG"?

Just like the peasant guild, but for someone who's really looking to get into the game and not just play with a few randoms here and there with no real long term team mate level connections. Clans who are willing to help new comers to cRPG could apply to the region lists for clans who are looking to help out with getting accustomed to the game.

Again, probably silly, there are a lot of nice people out there in both EU and NA who are pretty helpful who I'm sure would enjoy squiring in someone to feel not so ... crushed by the learning "cliff" that cRPG has had for almost everyone once upon a time.  Almost all the guys I began with fell out of cRPG due to the in-ability to fight off the Almighty 2h or the crushing blow of a Plated Maulers, the thundering hooves of Heavy Cav, and the never ending hail of arrows and bolts and javelins. But Bonsai and myself stuck it out and fought alongside each other with no support from anyone but ourselves on the ins and outs of cRPG. I'm sure some wisdom from many players from different backgrounds and classes could be passed on to any that wished to really get into cRPG. And God willing we could put more lifeless basement nerds back into this game.