Author Topic: Flappy Birds, Greek version  (Read 6401 times)

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Re: Flappy Birds, Greek version
« Reply #45 on: February 16, 2014, 03:35:23 am »
Woow hang on a sec I just read further in the thread "greek medicine greek everything" what the fuck that is literally sick, you're totally losing your head panos I'm not saying that to sound funny or offend but there has a been a heavy brainwashing there, you're basically saying history started with greece; I'm saying this for you because I you're a nice person and I like you, you have to start realizing what you're saying, dunno what kind of sick companies you're meeting but seriously, that's heavily sick.

I wish this was the best troll ever made but I doubt you'd put thos much effort.

Sorry for double post but this is a whole different argument, it's about panos mental health.
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Re: Flappy Birds, Greek version
« Reply #46 on: February 16, 2014, 06:17:19 am »
Why do i find these sort of topic when im under the influence of drugs?
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Re: Flappy Birds, Greek version
« Reply #47 on: February 16, 2014, 09:04:17 am »
It's all chadz's fault

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Re: Flappy Birds, Greek version
« Reply #48 on: February 16, 2014, 09:15:46 am »
This bit is certainly true, I guess. :)
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: Flappy Birds, Greek version
« Reply #49 on: February 16, 2014, 09:39:42 am »
The enlightment revolution was based on Logic, that guess what, GREEKS invented  :lol:
Nobody invented logic. Aristotle simply established logic as a formal discipline (in the West), which is very different. "Logic" is a word and merely navigates your brain to the referent. And that referent, not to belabor the point, nobody did or could invent.
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Re: Flappy Birds, Greek version
« Reply #50 on: February 16, 2014, 11:16:14 am »
Just accept the fact that Greece had some real shit going on, but thats like a really long fucking time ago, since then Greece have just been an appendix on the european continent that various nations and empires have fought over.

Doesnt matter when, it matters whether it happened or not. I find Greek history much more awesome than any history of any age of France.
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Re: Flappy Birds, Greek version
« Reply #51 on: February 16, 2014, 12:34:04 pm »
You live in a great country with great history.

Why do you always reduce yourself and your nation's identity to germany?

You mean like you Austrians did in 1938?
I mean, what have you got to lose? You know, you come from nothing, you're going back to nothing, what have you lost? Nothing!

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Re: Flappy Birds, Greek version
« Reply #52 on: February 16, 2014, 12:47:53 pm »
Mesopotamia: cradle of civilization

Cradle of Western civilization IS Greece. Period. Luckily for all of us, Athenians miraculously won at Marathon, that was the end of spreading of Eastern idea of how the world should look like, with millions of slaves working together for the glory of Empire. To simplify, in Western world individual is the basic cell of society, and individual matters, in eastern world, individual is nothing, only small and insignificant part of something bigger, such as family, company he is working for, party or state. The way we look at life and the world around us is 100% born in those small towns in Greece, and was transferred to us through Roman Empire, then Byzantium Empire &Medieval Greek State, and only state in contemporary sense in Europe for hundreds of years) which preserved the culture and knowledge when Roman Empire was destroyed, and in the end, when Germanic and Celtic tribes finally moved from dark ages and entered new period, through Renaissance. So not only that basis of today's western culture and ideas was only born in Greece, it was Greeks that preserved it through Middle Ages until the rest of the Europe was ready to take it.
I mean, what have you got to lose? You know, you come from nothing, you're going back to nothing, what have you lost? Nothing!

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Re: Flappy Birds, Greek version
« Reply #53 on: February 16, 2014, 01:42:01 pm »
Cradle of Western civilization IS Greece. Period. Luckily for all of us, Athenians miraculously won at Marathon, that was the end of spreading of Eastern idea of how the world should look like, with millions of slaves working together for the glory of Empire. To simplify, in Western world individual is the basic cell of society, and individual matters, in eastern world, individual is nothing, only small and insignificant part of something bigger, such as family, company he is working for, party or state. The way we look at life and the world around us is 100% born in those small towns in Greece, and was transferred to us through Roman Empire, then Byzantium Empire &Medieval Greek State, and only state in contemporary sense in Europe for hundreds of years) which preserved the culture and knowledge when Roman Empire was destroyed, and in the end, when Germanic and Celtic tribes finally moved from dark ages and entered new period, through Renaissance. So not only that basis of today's western culture and ideas was only born in Greece, it was Greeks that preserved it through Middle Ages until the rest of the Europe was ready to take it.

The first urban centers arose in Mesopotamia, long before anywhere else in the world, followed by the Levant and Anatolia. Eridu, in modern day Iraq, is arguably the oldest city in the world and existed in the 6th millennium BC. Animals and cereals were first domesticated in the Near East, thousands of years before agriculture spread to Europe. Irrigation first appeared in the Fertile Crescent. This rise of urban culture was only possible through structured and  complex governments.

We should praise Ancient Greece for its huge contributions to philosophy, but the Greek concept of political freedom can hardly be called the foundation of civilization. Moreover, similar concepts of individual freedom arose in India around the same time, such as in the religion of Jainism. The skeptical Indian school of philosophy called Cārvāka appeared in the 6th century BC (before the rise of Greek Classical culture) and rejected such ideas as the afterlife, reincarnation, religious rites, fate, heaven and hell, and supernatural causes in order to explain natural phenomena: something that sounds surprisingly modern, even today.

Yes, Ancient Greece did produce a highly impressive culture that significantly influenced later 'Western' thought, but a bit of nuance wouldn't be out of place.


On the point of Marathon: the despotic nature of the Persian Empire has often been exaggerated in Greek accounts (it makes sense to paint a grim picture of one's archenemy after all). The Persian Empire was in fact marked by relative tolerance, as Cyrus the Great realized that repression would cause his huge multicultural empire to quickly fall apart. Who liberated the Jews from Babylonian captivity? Indeed, Cyrus the Great.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 06:46:27 pm by Bob_Ross »
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Re: Flappy Birds, Greek version
« Reply #54 on: February 16, 2014, 02:07:07 pm »
Also, to say that "Greeks" invented or developed so and so is more than a bit misleading. It would be more accurate to say that a Greek invented so and so. It was not a group effort that all Greeks took part in and could be proud of; the person simply happened to be born in Greece, and his achievements are his achievements alone. Claiming anything else is nationalistic rubbish.
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Re: Flappy Birds, Greek version
« Reply #55 on: February 16, 2014, 02:39:52 pm »
Exactly what Xant said. You'll find pride in what some people have achieved which you had no part in. That's one of the main reasons I never could become nationalistic: I can't find pride in what other people have done, just like I can't find guilt for crimes they have commited either. I applaud them for their achievements but nothing more than that. And the fact that even if you believe in Creationism or Evolution you'll believe that all humans developed from  common ancestors. When do you draw the lines "we're this people and you're that people". And most of the times people have many nationalities in their bloodline.
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Re: Flappy Birds, Greek version
« Reply #56 on: February 16, 2014, 02:55:59 pm »
Exactly what Xant said. You'll find pride in what some people have achieved which you had no part in. That's one of the main reasons I never could become nationalistic: I can't find pride in what other people have done, just like I can't find guilt for crimes they have commited either. I applaud them for their achievements but nothing more than that. And the fact that even if you believe in Creationism or Evolution you'll believe that all humans developed from  common ancestors. When do you draw the lines "we're this people and you're that people". And most of the times people have many nationalities in their bloodline.

Exactly. Only those who have shortcomings as an individual need to pride themselves with the achievements of others.
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Re: Flappy Birds, Greek version
« Reply #57 on: February 16, 2014, 03:03:27 pm »
Murica > Greece and every other stupid country
You are a horrible human being clockwork.

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Re: Flappy Birds, Greek version
« Reply #58 on: February 16, 2014, 05:57:56 pm »
the person simply happened to be born in Greece, and his achievements are his achievements alone. Claiming anything else is nationalistic rubbish.

Despite i am one of the least nationalist out there i have to disagree with that; the nation had a big impact on the person, there's a specific reason why sokratis, plato Aristotle and so were greeks and not Chinese, because they grew in greece and were influenced by greek thoughts.
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Re: Flappy Birds, Greek version
« Reply #59 on: February 16, 2014, 06:13:39 pm »
... Yes, those three were Greek because they were born and raised in Greece. That's how it works, you know.
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