Author Topic: The Heavy Lance (Lost that lovin feelin)  (Read 19520 times)

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The Heavy Lance (Lost that lovin feelin)
« on: May 16, 2011, 04:51:01 pm »
  I've spent 13 generations straight with the heavy lance as my primary weapon.  I grew accustom to the speed, reach, and technique of using it while bolting around on my courser (Frankbyfire).  It's seems to me that post .223 something has gone terribly wrong with my beloved lance.  I understand the purpose of dramatically decreasing every vital stat of the weapon for purposes of balance, but something is not adding up.  I frequently experience my lance strikes not registering and being out reached by much shorter weapons, while fully extended mind you.  Also, latency is not the issue.  I average 24 ping on most of the NA servers.

  I can cope with my issues here.  I am more curious in finding out if anyone else is experiencing these problems. I realize this may very well just be my perception.  Feedback however would be most appreciated!  Thanks all!   
« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 06:33:06 pm by Kalam »

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Re: The Heavy Lance (Lost that lovin feelin)
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2011, 04:55:54 pm »
Clanmates of mine are actually heirlooming their heavy lances now as the lollance has become ridiculously easy with the slower speed.  They want the lance more than the other lances now.  I would say closer to well-balanced and it makes sense, you are stabbing witha  weapon nearing the length of a pike with 1 hand, yeh, its going to be a slow stab, you shouldn't be able to do 30 stabs a minute with a one handed pike while riding a jet train, makes the game too easy.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: The Heavy Lance (Lost that lovin feelin)
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2011, 04:56:30 pm »
I really dunno, TommMyyY is still getting mental kills and being top, so for me its needs a nerf, I KEED, I KEED!

Seriously the heavy lance needs a tiny bit of a buff, just a tiny bit of speed.
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Re: The Heavy Lance (Lost that lovin feelin)
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2011, 04:57:42 pm »
This is why I only invest 4 points into riding instead of 6 and dropped the heavy lance and any polearm proficiency. One handers and two handers are the way to go from horseback now. Granted I get killed a lot, but if you play it right, it's great fun and very effective.
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Re: The Heavy Lance (Lost that lovin feelin)
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2011, 05:00:24 pm »
Those missed registers aren't really a problem since if your build is not fucked up you can easily oneshot the poor guy that stopped you with a short weapon. A thrust of your one handed lance in his head when you don't even move, although it won't with any other weapon, even on foot. I don't know why heavy lances are so powerful when the lancer doesn't even move.

I think your perception is flawed because you didn't completely adapted to the slower speed.

This is why I only invest 4 points into riding instead of 6 and dropped the heavy lance and any polearm proficiency. One handers and two handers are the way to go from horseback now. Granted I get killed a lot, but if you play it right, it's great fun and very effective.

Trust me, it's the other way around. 1h cav has allmost no chances against a lancer and infantry also is more difficult to kill. Furthermore, you can't do couched sword  :lol:

As polearms already are the way to go on foot (GLA, LHB, Glaive epic spamming builds), they are really the best choice on horse too. Just watch Torben or Tommy stacking kills then watch a 1h cav that gets the same amount. Hell, you won't even likely find one.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 05:05:10 pm by Kafein »

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Re: The Heavy Lance (Lost that lovin feelin)
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2011, 05:01:56 pm »
Those missed registers aren't really a problem since if your build is not fucked up you can easily oneshot the poor guy that stopped you with a short weapon. A thrust of your one handed lance in his head when you don't even move, although it won't with any other weapon, even on foot. I don't know why heavy lances are so powerful when the lancer doesn't even move.

I think your perception is flawed because you didn't completely adapted to the slower speed.

Perhaps, but seeing tommy's side, we cavalrymen have gotten used to the speeds of the lance. Changing it so drastically is annoying and takes quite a while to get used to.
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Re: The Heavy Lance (Lost that lovin feelin)
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2011, 05:06:49 pm »
Those missed registers aren't really a problem since if your build is not fucked up you can easily oneshot the poor guy that stopped you with a short weapon. A thrust of your one handed lance in his head when you don't even move, although it won't with any other weapon, even on foot. I don't know why heavy lances are so powerful when the lancer doesn't even move.

I think your perception is flawed because you didn't completely adapted to the slower speed.

I see where you are coming from, and I do still think it is a viable weapon.  Quite powerful too.  I assure you though, I have fully adapted to the speed and don't even mind it.  More or less just looking to see if anyone has been experiencing odd occurrences with their lance's performance. 

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Re: The Heavy Lance (Lost that lovin feelin)
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2011, 05:19:32 pm »
I see where you are coming from, and I do still think it is a viable weapon.  Quite powerful too.  I assure you though, I have fully adapted to the speed and don't even mind it.  More or less just looking to see if anyone has been experiencing odd occurrences with their lance's performance.

If it's just that, maybe it's a perf problem. Sometimes you can have a good ping but there's some background game computation that goes slowly, although the graphics looks fine. It can also be caused by a player having a bad ping (or activating a lag switch :lol:) in the area, especially if it's the player you should have killed. Finally, clear hits simply not registering for unknown reasons are relatively common.

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Re: The Heavy Lance (Lost that lovin feelin)
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2011, 05:25:26 pm »
Those missed registers aren't really a problem since if your build is not fucked up you can easily oneshot the poor guy that stopped you with a short weapon. A thrust of your one handed lance in his head when you don't even move, although it won't with any other weapon, even on foot. I don't know why heavy lances are so powerful when the lancer doesn't even move.

This. But it's the same with pikes also.

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Re: The Heavy Lance (Lost that lovin feelin)
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2011, 05:44:04 pm »
srry to say i did not experience NEW issue with hit box.

The slower speed has dramatically increased by my TKs, as the slower attack animation is like a sweeping mop.

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Re: The Heavy Lance (Lost that lovin feelin)
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2011, 06:19:31 pm »
Before the game version changes I had the heavy lance 3x heirloomed and immediately re-heirloomed it x3 after the changes.
There has been some drastic change to the way it reacts now. What I find interesting is the period of time it remains extended when thrust. Timing has always been of utmost importance in thrusting a lance and with the new heavy lance seeming so slow, now we must learn it's capabilities all over again.
Definitely another learning curve to get used to the new version of a heavy lance.

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Re: The Heavy Lance (Lost that lovin feelin)
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2011, 06:30:24 pm »

As polearms already are the way to go on foot (GLA, LHB, Glaive epic spamming builds), they are really the best choice on horse too. Just watch Torben or Tommy stacking kills then watch a 1h cav that gets the same amount. Hell, you won't even likely find one.

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Re: The Heavy Lance (Lost that lovin feelin)
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2011, 06:56:56 pm »

Good example, I saw him a few times lately, he was doing good as usual but certainly not as easily as a lancer could have done. Don't forget his stuff costs more too, destrier is awfully expensive... This makes me think I saw ULGYBASTARD playing a few weeks ago, he seemed to be coming back but I never saw him again  :cry: Well I think we 1h cav got nerfed the most since pre-upkeep :P

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Re: The Heavy Lance (Lost that lovin feelin)
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2011, 11:55:07 pm »
i've tried light, regular and heavy and nearly always seem to be the one on the receiving end of a lance strike when fighting other cav.  I have no clue how the hit boxes/thrusts are supposed to work but it seems pretty random ATM.

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Re: The Heavy Lance (Lost that lovin feelin)
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2011, 12:59:43 am »
Kafine, ever thonk the reason they get good scores is that they are gebuinly good players?

Lancer cav is played differently to 1h cav as you aware. Lance is designed to be more effective on horsie while ur 1h n shield is must better once your off.

Also the lances reach is less than long spear and pike.

Going back to cav this gen to see how much its changed