...all the NA/EU my old friends/"place ur insult here" who swearing and insult Slavs (russians, ukrainians, belarusians etc.)...
So your propaganda idear to get all slavik based culutres behind you and GO is to imply that all others would be against slavs?
I for once can say, with the age of 6 and afterwards my father took me with him on his business travels into several slavik countries. I saw and remember a lot of hospitality and have fond memories of these times. Through those travels i came to poland, hungary, czechlovakia(now splitted), Jugoslavia(now splitted) and others. That was even before perestroika/glasnost and the opening to the west.
My father still has friends in those countries and even though he is retired now he visits a view of them from time to time and vice versa. I dont see these slavik resentments/hate/preconceptions you are describing. I dont feel threatened by any culture, only by stupid politicians and mega cooperations.