Can I make changes to 1h/2h cav now?
I think the pure 2h axes and the like with no 1h mode should stay the same, 2h/1h without shield should have the same penalty that the pure 2h currently have, buff 2h/1h weapons with shield, and slightly reduce 1h cav damage by like 10-15% or so.
This makes 1h cav much more speed bonus reliant. Cav also still get hold bonuses, so trying to maximize your damage would require careful timing instead of doing whatever and keeping nice damage. The ranged changes overall make ranged do less damage against the decently armoured cav, so I think it's a fair enough change. It would be unoptimal to stop someone and spam them to death when they're still without high PS (taking more time = enemy ranged and cav may attack you). Makes lancers a more dangerous threat, requiring 1h cav to catch them on the sides.
2h/1h weapons would be able to be competent in 1h mode, 2h mode, or both. It would be under similar limitations to 1h cav, except with more power at the cost of speed.
Pure 2h weapons would still deal very good damage at the cost of utility just like before, basically unchanged to how it is now. It's an indirect buff by making it more appealing compared to the alternatives. Not to mention the inclusion of the long iron mace.
I don't think the changes are that unreasonable considering lances already receive harsher penalties and overall fair just fine. Cav who already utilize such things would barely be affected.
I'm thinking that riding skill can be rebuffed, but I'd rather not pile up too many changes at once. I felt a decent increase in effectivity on horse at 7riding compared to other players. Also thinking of horse ranged that can get their riding to 8-9+ being much more effective than a melee build with the same allocation of points.