..., but only with some class or gear limits imposed by the server. Otherwise definitely a Nope from me too
which would be?
I liked ladders, but i hated the camp festivals they triggered. Then again, nowadays with all the freakin HA/HX, getting myself a nice roof to camp seems like a good idear ^^. I also found it quite nice, that due to ladders, peasents were able to contribute to the team effort, not only by being a meat shield but bringing along soemthing usefull. Siege Shields, ladders, stackes ... If you are not fully equiped with weapons, you can invest in the chances of your team to win a round.
Still i would slightly change the limitations of an implimentation.
- A Maximum for ladders/siege sheilds/stackes/construction sites per team
- Having ladders to break a bit sooner then in strat perhaps?
- rulesets, need to be applied again what would be tolarated in which circumstances what is be doen with that equipment(sky laddering on nearly empty servers ok(<10), on more populated servers(>40), not so much as the team performance should there be more important as more people try to get good multipliers.)
- no ladders for siege please, as it could totally fuck up the maps balance which arguably has been aimed and achieved by not considering artifialy placed ladders
but for now with the current amount of ranged players, i wouldnt want ladders, like Tzar said.