Here's the idea: right now when a shielder attacks, he's wide open to be shot center of mass from the front, left side and back and headshot from everywhere. This is especially true for left swings and overheads.
This has the side effect of forcing shielders to "bump" archers and xbowmen while keeping their block up in order to disrupt their aim and allow a safe attack. Due to the fact that this "bump" has no range at all, it is easy to just kick someone attempting it against you and run away. But the lack of reach, weakness of effect and the delay of that bump also delays the fight much longer than it should, putting the shielder under unnecessary danger from third parties.
What I suggest is to change the 1h/shield attack animations in a way that keeps the shield in front of the character. The running animations could be changed in a similar way, giving some useful passive range protection to running shielders. Of course all that animation stuff is not really feasible as I doubt the cRPG team has the resources to do that.
So, I also suggest a change in the ranged bump mechanics to make it stronger and more useful. For example, instead of disrupting the aim it could knock people down, or make them drop their ranged weapon automatically, leaving them unarmed. More importantly, I think the trigger conditions should be changed in favor of the shielder. Ideally, it should trigger automatically as soon as the shielder enters something like the range equivalent of a length 45 weapon. This sounds like a very powerful move but the intent here is to force the ranged player to stop delaying, play it safe and get a melee weapon as soon as the shielder enters a 1 or 2 meters radius instead of attempting a trick shot.