I couldnt watch this propaganda pseudo patriotic national BS completly through.
And yeah the comments *sigh*, this has to be the recruiting vid either of a german LARP clan or really bad eductational stuff shown to army recruits.
Over and after all, i dont need some dude in the internet to make me aware of my nationality, my love for my environment, my roots to the place i live in. I love the dialect we speak here and the people with their stubborn, straight forward to the point way of communicating. My patriotism starts with trying to have a small ecological footprint and ends with the joy of the air i breath and the trees i may look at when i go out for a walk. Everything above that is not asked for, propaganda BS used to get you or me in line, to feel fear against an unifying proclaimed enemy like with the phrase "War on Terror", a war never intended to find an end, but bleeding us out while having full controll over our mindsets. So Vaga, while you may enjoy and feel all fluffy while watching that vid, dont tell anyone , who doesnt like that vid, he then wouldnt be a patriot ^^ pfff ... who cares.