Author Topic: Item Changed After Trade  (Read 390 times)

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Item Changed After Trade
« on: May 16, 2011, 01:06:59 am »
Hey guys. I traded Kesh_BRD a Powerful Poleaxe and 350k gold in exchange for a Staffmaster's Iron Staff. The trade went through. My website inventory showed both the Staffmaster's Iron Staff, a Masterwork Iron Staff with stats

weight 2
requirement 9
spd rtng 99
weapon length 129
swing damage 27, blunt
thrust damage 29 blunt
Penalty with Shield

and the regular, unheirloomed Iron Staff I already owned. In game it doesn't show the Staffmaster's or Masterwork, and instead has a Masterwork War Cleaver there. I sold the regular, unloomed Iron Staff, thinking that was the issue, but it still just shows the War Cleaver in game, and the two heirloomed Iron Staffs still show up on the site, and only the site. The War Cleaver, I should mention, does not show up on the site at all, only in game.

« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 06:50:04 am by Malaclypse »
You think you're pretty smart with your dago mustache and your greasy hair.