"From the Greek hawkers, we have the notion that the senses deceive us. The real horse is not the lame hag, but the noble steed of the sales speech.
The world is no longer personal experience and is instead what we see on a screen. A phenomenons ticket to the real world is that we have seen it on television.
It may be atoms and dinosaurs or clairvoyance and life after death. None of this has much to do with what we are experiencing, but it is nevertheless far more real.
This quest for consensus does not stop at the sensation, but legalizes thoughts and feelings or the opposite. There are real feelings for partners, children and animals, for subsistence and movement patterns.
Not least, there are rules for how we receive information. Statements are no longer true or false, justified or frivolous, but politically correct or incorrect, good or evil.
It is faith, not strength of argument, that is the key. To be convinced by the opposite party, is losing the debate and betray the cause.
It never strikes anyone, that it is a strange debate, where no one ever change your or their mind. The only argument is the identification of the opponent with a faction from the realization that we do not belong to a group, we agree with, but agree with the group we belong to.
The reality that our senses present to us, in this context means very little.
Our dead are victims. Dead enemies is propaganda.
Even less important is our own thoughts and feelings, dreams and sexuality. The real thoughts and feelings we get from talk shows.
Happiness is knowing what is normal, what is acceptable for the neighbour. We know it only from television.
Our reality is a copy of a Reality show. We appeal to the judge with our cookies and singing performance, we become tame and humiliate, with appealing close-ups of weeping losers.
We accept the rules of the game. No physical reality ever arises.
If it did, we would not buy what you are selling us. And
that would really be a crisis."
- Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff
http://on.fb.me/1pArGpY(i translated from danish, not easy, there may be a couple screwups here and there, so sue me)