Author Topic: Community Map Events  (Read 343 times)

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Community Map Events
« on: December 30, 2013, 09:23:19 pm »
It would be really cool if the devs could filter in a "community map night" of some kind.  I use to play Farcry 2 online and they had a brilliant setup for unranked games.  They had an easy to use map maker built into the game.  You could play an endless supply of community made maps.  It kept the game fresh and interesting LONG after the population died out. 

I don't really know anything about programming etc.  But if there was a way to give the community easy to use map designers and have a night/multiple nights set on a random rotation it would totally change this game.  Not only would it revive the population but it would keep current members more active. 

There will be some complaints about maps.  Obviously being community designed there will be glitches and unfair balances.  So in order to keep everyone happy I suggest double XP for a few hours during the event. 

I think every Friday from 3 PM to 2 AM would be sufficient.

I don't know how difficult this would be to implement.  But if it could be done.... it would make the community that much more invested into this mod.  At some point you need a radical shift.  We don't have the population for a separate server.  But an event like this will fill up our own servers once a week and THAT will help attract a new player base.