I waited several hours and an entire night before acting, so that you could voice your end of the story. Now that you've gotten to share your side, let me point out the largest hole in your story.
You claim to have asked him to drop the sword before you attacked him, even though this is pretty clearly untrue. Nobody said anything to him until he had already been nearly black barred.
[18:06:20] msg,U_Having_A_Giggle_M8 reported Crusader_Chumley_of_Acre for teamwounding. Penalty: [2/5]
[18:06:20] chat,,Mr_Killer2_Sharpshooter,all,sry
[18:06:22] kill,RussianOfficer,Negga,melee,Masterwork Nordic Champion's Sword,hb_shoulder_r
[18:06:23] kill,Atlantis_Generals_WenYang,EggoWaffle_The_Sloth,melee,Practice Longsword,hb_thorax
[18:06:25] kill,Shana,JayJrod,melee,Elegant Poleaxe,hb_upperarm_r
[18:06:26] msg,U_Having_A_Giggle_M8 reported Crusader_Chumley_of_Acre for teamwounding. Penalty: [3/5]
[18:06:26] kill,SoW_Ironfox_PxC_MB_BestInVa,Valour_du_Jour,melee,Shortened Voulge,hb_head
[18:06:28] chat,,Ponyboy_BRD,team,shield bash should be able to knock over horses
[18:06:30] chat,,Crusader_Chumley_of_Acre,team,give us the sword
[18:06:31] disconnect,Remnant_Trisection_Ramza
[18:06:31] kill,GrannPappy,Occitan_DritZ,ranged,Masterwork Jarid,,hb_upperarm_l
[18:06:34] msg,U_Having_A_Giggle_M8 reported Behemoth_of_Acre for teamwounding. Penalty: [1/5]
[18:06:35] kill,Doy,JayJrod,melee,Elegant Poleaxe,hb_forearm_r
[18:06:37] chat,,Charr,all,sory
[18:06:37] kill,daynus,Remnant_Voester,melee,Masterwork Nordic Champion's Sword,hb_head
[18:06:38] teamkill,U_Having_A_Giggle_M8,Behemoth_of_Acre,melee,Nordic Short Sword,hb_spine
[18:06:38] msg,Behemoth_of_Acre team-killed U_Having_A_Giggle_M8
[18:06:38] kill,Marshal_Jedae_of_Acre,Valour_du_Jour,melee,Shortened Voulge,hb_head
[18:06:40] kill,EggoWaffle_The_Sloth,Charr,ranged,Tatar Bow,Barbed Arrows,hb_forearm_l
[18:06:41] kill,Pizza_KUTT,JayJrod,melee,Elegant Poleaxe,hb_abdomen
[18:06:41] msg,U_Having_A_Giggle_M8 reported Behemoth_of_Acre for teamwounding. Penalty: [2/5]
[18:06:41] kill,Legs,Moustache_Guy,ranged,Horn Bow,Large Bag of Barbed Arrows,hb_spine
[18:06:45] chat,,Behemoth_of_Acre,team,MISCLIK
In regards to trolling, it looks like you're more guilty of it than he is. Intentionally teamkilling him and then following it up with "MISCLIK" really doesn't back up your claims.
The ban stays, intentional team-killing and team-wounding are both illegal in every right and will not be tolerated, especially in a situation that could have been otherwise avoided.