
You are...

Atheist (don't need a God to understand and love life)
47 (43.5%)
Muslim (Allah is great and Muhammad is his prophet)
5 (4.6%)
Christian (Jesus loves us and died for us)
17 (15.7%)
Jew (son of Moïse, the only true religion in earth)
2 (1.9%)
Buddhist (just feel good sit on your porch and looking the world)
1 (0.9%)
polytheist/ pagan (each thing has a soul and there are many gods everywhere)
4 (3.7%)
believer but disagree institutionnal religions.... just believe in God and pray it
7 (6.5%)
other way...
15 (13.9%)
10 (9.3%)

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Author Topic: Believe in God...  (Read 9071 times)

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Offline Panos_

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Re: Believe in God...
« Reply #90 on: December 27, 2013, 11:02:08 pm »
Some experience from my life:
1) When my mother was ill, she had 39-40 degree C and couldn't move her neck and hand, I prayed for her and she got healed instantly, her temperature dropped to 36,6 after 5 min.
2) I prayed for one girl and she got healed from cancer
3) I told a prophecy to my freind, I said that he will pass exam, but God will surprise him, and he will get the highest mark not deservedly. He answered 1 of 5 questions and thought that will have 2 - the lowest mark but got 5 - the highest
4) When I was on exam, I asked God what question will teacher ask me and answer, and when I told the teacher what is giss thoughts, he afraid a little, Thanks to God I have graduated from university with all highest marks
5) I know people who healed from AIDS
And so on
I was seeking the God Half of my life and I still don't know him as I want to know. I learned to hear Him. Do you? Stop, please discuss about things that you don't know. And don't think that heaven is after dying. It starts when you fall in love with God.

God is almighty indeed, he saved your mom, your friend, a girl who had cancer, and some people who had aids.

But I guess all the kids that die from famine, lack of water and diseases every fucking second, dont deserve the love of your God.

It`s your right to believe, and I don`t want to judge you for that, but coming here saying that your God is true because he saved a couple of people, while he let thousands die, makes you look like an idiot.

Also you are wrong, Atheism is the suspension of belief due to lack of evidence. For the most part, we don't say that there is no god. We simply say that since there is no proof, there is no reason to believe in him.

When people of a certain religion call others atheists, I just want to laugh, throught history men invented thousands of gods, so basically a christian is an atheist to a muslim, a muslim is an atheist to a paganist etc etc..

Your god is unproven as any other god out there, thats why atheists dont want to believe in him, because most people don`t like believing in a "lie".

Also the bible is based on Egyptian, Chinese and Greek myths, that were born thousands of years before christianity

Virgin birth, burial in a rock tomb, eating the body *bread* and drinking the blood *wine*, these three are a small example that christianity is a fraud, if you do a small research, you`ll see that all these are pagan rituals, but christianity came as a snowball and rolled over thousands of gods & rituals, and named it Christian rituals

TL:DR version, The signs you see are illusions you create, because you want to believe god is true.
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Re: Believe in God...
« Reply #91 on: December 27, 2013, 11:04:52 pm »
Sorry for double posting, but it`s Dio

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Re: Believe in God...
« Reply #92 on: December 27, 2013, 11:13:48 pm »
You speack the truth my greek friend.... but faith make pple blind.... that is why they don't want to see....  :mrgreen:

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Re: Believe in God...
« Reply #93 on: December 28, 2013, 12:49:56 am »
Not sure if relevant... but here it goes:

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Re: Believe in God...
« Reply #94 on: December 28, 2013, 01:06:40 am »
Christian...but not a very good one. Not that I care what someone who's never read scripture thinks of me, but I'm mainly introverted with it. Used to be a mean, nasty athiest so I can't stand people like that, who treat people as if they're less intelligent than them simply because they believe in god. How ignorant can one be? I was like that was when I was 14. Older I get the wiser I get.
In hateful memory of J00.

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Re: Believe in God...
« Reply #95 on: December 28, 2013, 01:12:07 am »
Christian...but not a very good one. Not that I care what someone who's never read scripture thinks of me, but I'm mainly introverted with it. Used to be a mean, nasty athiest so I can't stand people like that, who treat people as if they're less intelligent than them simply because they believe in god. How ignorant can one be? I was like that was when I was 14. Older I get the wiser I get.

you get people like that in all walks of life :P ive met Liberals/socialists who think they are superior and more intelligent to everyone else and even music fans who think the one they like is the best and everyone else who likes something else has a less valid opinion  :rolleyes: just don't engage with people like xant, Although claiming you have seen miracles and listing getting good exam results as a miracle from god does leave the guy wide open to ridicule  :lol:
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Re: Believe in God...
« Reply #96 on: December 28, 2013, 01:33:21 am »
Christian...but not a very good one. Not that I care what someone who's never read scripture thinks of me, but I'm mainly introverted with it. Used to be a mean, nasty athiest so I can't stand people like that, who treat people as if they're less intelligent than them simply because they believe in god. How ignorant can one be? I was like that was when I was 14. Older I get the wiser I get.

Atheists tend to call religious people stupid, because they think that religion=church, and as we all known church=corruption, it`s indeed the biggest mistake that atheists do when they speak about the subject, but on the other hand you can`t blame them, seeing "religious" people donating huge amounts of money to their local church just because they believe that this will make them better christians is a bit retarded. Yes, atheists are wrong calling religious people stupid, but on theother hand religious people dont do jack shit to prove atheists wrong, quite the opposite .
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Re: Believe in God...
« Reply #97 on: December 28, 2013, 03:20:39 am »
Not sure if relevant... but here it goes:

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The argument that everything is the will of God is idiotic.

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Re: Believe in God...
« Reply #98 on: December 28, 2013, 03:50:17 am »
The argument that everything is the will of God is idiotic.

But god wills it

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Re: Believe in God...
« Reply #99 on: December 28, 2013, 04:26:31 am »
The argument that everything is the will of God is idiotic.

If the "one mover" is omnipotent and omniscient as is usually claimed in mainstream sects of Abrahamic religions (Mostly Christians and Muslims, not Jews, at least in the US), then it's very hard to move away from everything being the will of God, since He both set everything in motion and knows everything about the future.

So there's always that.

Most of the anti-religious stuff on the internet stems from:

a) lel2edgy teens angry at parents (Though this seems to be dying as a trend with the "niceguy" atheist fedora meme because of people who don't know the difference between antitheist and atheist)
b) Attempts at inserting religious dogma into law
c) Pants on head views on science/history + forcing these views on children with punishments/threat of hell for questions

I don't see any reason to believe in any faith over another given the sheer number of religions that have spawned in history, the lack of empirical evidence, and bronze-age views on morality, but I don't bother anyone IRL over it.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2013, 08:36:56 am by Huscarlton_Banks »

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Re: Believe in God...
« Reply #100 on: December 28, 2013, 05:04:27 am »
wise words (actually didn't read but anyway..)
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Re: Believe in God...
« Reply #101 on: December 28, 2013, 09:54:39 am »
Christian...but not a very good one. Not that I care what someone who's never read scripture thinks of me, but I'm mainly introverted with it. Used to be a mean, nasty athiest so I can't stand people like that, who treat people as if they're less intelligent than them simply because they believe in god. How ignorant can one be? I was like that was when I was 14. Older I get the wiser I get.
Well, it is a question of either intellectual capacity or intellectual honesty, so atheists who treat people like that aren't entirely wrong.

Of course, even most atheists will nod in agreement with you, "damn other atheists, let people have their faith, doesn't make anyone stupid!"

But fact remains, you're still falling for the world's oldest con, and at this point it's the world's most obvious one as well. If it didn't receive special treatment in people's minds, everyone would ridicule a believer. They certainly would ridicule someone believing in something half more plausible that was invented today.
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Re: Believe in God...
« Reply #102 on: December 28, 2013, 10:11:24 am »
Why the fuck would "God" help your friend pass an exam but not help the millions of people dying in horrible agony?
It's nice to see that you care about millions of people, really do you? We have a mission in Thailand and some other asian countries. Do you know that some parents sell their children for about 100 dollars to sexual rapists. They rape them until they die. Our mission is to buy this little girls and boys. And now we have more then 1000 children in our shelter. Who rape this children? God or people?
I was in mission in Africa and I saw a lot of people dying because of people's selfishness, many of people blame the God for that. Well seems as you do. I saw many people has been saved from death by God, many people was healed, I saw people arised from the dead. I know pastor in Africa who was dead for three days, and then he became alive, and he is still living. Don't please joke about it, that he is zombie or walking dead. If you would be on his place you would never say this things. Me and my freiends feed the starving people. In my town some people dies from the cold. I took this people to my house wash them, some of them don't have fingers on the arms or legs. I try to find a job for them. But do you know what, this poor people prefer more to live on the streets, they don't want to live normally, they prefer to smoke and drink. And then the die. Who killed them God or themseves? In my practice only very little amount of people who really want to change their lifes. I was asked many times "And where is your God?" Really people it is easier to obey then do something. Yes there is some punishments from the God. But this punishments just to make you to face Him. A lot of evil is made by people.

It`s your right to believe, and I don`t want to judge you for that, but coming here saying that your God is true because he saved a couple of people, while he let thousands die, makes you look like an idiot.
TL:DR version, The signs you see are illusions you create, because you want to believe god is true.
Oh Panos really? Yes of course it easier to call me idiot or somthing else. I don't have a blind faith. Before to believe I searched a lot of religions for 5 years. I learned Koran, I had spiritual expirience in buddism, satanism and new age religions. The real power I saw is in satanism. I saw people levitate in the air, moving objects, seeing future and so on. But the real power of life I have discovered in Jesus Love.
Ok you can call me what ever you want. I just want to warn you, don't be selfish, search the truth, because if you will, you will find the answer. And at the end we will see who will live and who won't.

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Re: Believe in God...
« Reply #103 on: December 28, 2013, 10:27:37 am »
I saw people levitate in the air, moving objects, seeing future and so on. But the real power of life I have discovered in Jesus Love.
Ok you can call me what ever you want. I just want to warn you, don't be selfish, search the truth, because if you will, you will find the answer. And at the end we will see who will live and who won't.

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Someone who believe in Levitation, telekinisis and divination can believe in God too...  Thanks for make me laugh in morning...



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Re: Believe in God...
« Reply #104 on: December 28, 2013, 10:39:41 am »
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Someone who believe in Levitation, telekinisis and divination can believe in God too...  Thanks for make me laugh in morning...


You are laughing about you don't know, Pepe. Keep laughing. I just said what power satanists have, but they are on the other side. Just seems you never faced the things I wrote. You cant make me unbeliever so. It's like to say to Mother Teresa "your God doesn't exist" It wil make her just laugh, and she would never finish her work for the God. I thought that you wanted to know something more, but you made this thread just for troll, then OK, sorry.