Merry Christmas!
Alright nerds, out of the simple generosity of my heart I will be giving a few random gifts to a few lucky cRPG players to encourage the Christmas spirit! However, Santa doesn't give gifts to greedy assholes who already have lots and lots of things, so if you're Kesh or Canary applying, expect to get a big piece of stinky shit in your stocking.
Some of you will get an awesome gift! Some of you will get a laughable gift! Some of you will get absolutely nothing!
So you poor nerds out there, in order to enter for your chance at a random Christmas gift, pick a natural number between 1 and 75 and post it in a reply! Do not pick a number that has already been picked!
Gifts will be announced on Christmas day if I get around to it. If not then, than the day after.