Author Topic: Carl_Gustav  (Read 1015 times)

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Offline BlindGuy

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« on: December 13, 2013, 02:35:41 pm »
1. Cheap Slut Foxxy
2. Carl Gustav IV
3. 14.10 CET (13.10 GMT) on EU2
4. Killed him and won the round. Next round, hes on my team, attempts to teamkill me, but with 10 athletics, after his first hit I pressed enter to send the message I had typed out to Wega (Telling him good job cause he made some nice shots) ran away from Carl Gustav and reported Carl Gustav, he then called me a bitch. Much rage.
5. He raged cause he lost the round in the last minutes I believe. I killed last 3 defenders (including him) and took his flag, and he couldn't accept that. (I obviously had help, hence why Im telling Wega good job etc). He didn' even spawn near me, I had time to type out that chat message by the time he found me and tried to teamkill me.
6. Just the one, shows end of round (with Carl Gustav getting some kills on my buddies), I spawnd after being killed, ran to the flag, threw axes into the last 3 defenders, take the flag, dont get multi :C and then Carl tries to TK me. If I was a stronger character I would have let him hit me afew more times to show that he was desperate to teamkill me.
(click to show/hide)
7. Anyone who was on server, we werent many (hence no multi when the other team quit, as you can see 4 ppl from my team were balanced to the other because of GTXters). I don't really care if noone backs me up, SS of the log shows the action play by play.
I don't know enough

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Offline Rosapantern

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Re: Carl_Gustav
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2013, 04:00:30 pm »
Actaully i only TH you for trolling so nothing what you write is true aside from the troll th =P I don't belive you acutally can 1hit a team mate if they got 100% Health so there is a proof that i didn't try tro tk you atleast=P Anyway i Think i deserve a ban as he obviously got insulted by it. Usually when there are few ppl on the server ppl accept a troll th and killing eachother. But ofc that i still against the rules=P.

Anyway first time som1 get so insulted for 1hit that i have experianced. Today a guy hit me 6 times and killed me that i can understand if you report for truly.

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Re: Carl_Gustav
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2013, 11:47:41 am »
Warning to Rosapantern.

Don't get trolled into TH..

Also, blindguy, don't troll people too hard and be surprised by their reactions. Especially not new players. We need them.
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That Thomeck-delay-kicking bussiness is like that asshole-retard dude that fucks your sister sometimes.