That was but one of your many, retarded, trolling, self-righteous moments. Just like this one. Talking shit about how all slavs are trolling retards, in the very same thread excuse how you were a trolling retard. I'm sure it's different though, because you were "bored" (i.e butthurt because by that time I had already called you out on many retarded hypocritical statements, which is why you were trolling me in the first place). It's like you're not even trying to hide what a dumb hypocrite you are anymore.
Leshma timeline of idiocy:
-Alternatively suck dev cock, defending them as if they were inviolable gods, then schizophrenically switch to calling them all evil mean bastards
-Get called a schizophrenic cunt
- "Zomg, sexism! I am a gurl, crpg community hates women!"
-Is not female
-Get called an insane, hypocritical cunt for pretending to be a woman, and pretending that people hating your stupid shit was due to you being female
-"LOLOL I TROLL U" hypocrisy to cover up fact of being insane, schizophrenic liar.