I am sorry but YOU missunderstood the whole situation. Twice.
First - Butan used what would be called http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burden_of_proof_(logical_fallacy) to make YOU do the nigh impossible task.
Secong - Butan will argue, that bricks and sticks ARE small weapons because DUH - its almost obvious
Now all we need is a witty Vovka. Or an attempt by Butan.
I could have screenshotted plenty of bricks and sticks, true..... and molotov cocktails, and grenades, and spiked baseball bats, and flails, and crowbars, and mallets, and sledgehammers, and steel picks.
You know, all those little things that barely leaves any bruises...
But hey, they had no ak100, so I guess it can be labelled a peaceful protest!
The nigh impossible task was done using... google.
And great photoshoping skills!