Wow, only reading and not posting in a thread for a longer time is really hard. I can't tell anymore if Butan is serious or trolling.
Tovi really believes in NWO and I can understand why to some extent, although it's just greedy human individuals and little groups of people, not a worldwide conspiracy.
I never said something else. That's why I appreciate when some countries resist to this "western" world Order (mostly Anglo-Saxon ).
Here in Europe were are more and more pissed of this North American supremacy. The way they spy us, the way the built EU just to force european to adopt liberal economy, the way they use NATO as a world police, altought they "fuck EU" (their own words) !
Here in France and in Germany, many people thinks we should form a continental alliance with Russia instead of USA. And at last, kick those Atlantists out.
I do not say that Putin is better than Obama, it's not a question of individuals but the question to defend our geostrategic interests.
I fucking don't care to know who is the bad guy or the good guy in this story.