Neither me, nor putler should, but that does not stop putler from moving in army and creating a sham referendum and then explaining to the remainder of Ukraine, that "you should become federation with wide autonomy and recreate your constitution to better suite our wishes". My vote? its INTERNETS, SERIES OF TUBES, FORUMS, fuck my opinion, no-one cares or should care. But it still is interesting, correct and worthy of expressing
BTW - putler has some strong ideas of a good constitution... will he implement them across russia? Like... making 10 languages "national" and greater autonomy to regions coupled with "election quotas for minorities"?
You observe a lot for the Affairs of the Great Putin, to study his speech, make notes, a lot of learning to think. Then, ten years or more, your weak Baltic brain will understand: «Like... making 10 languages "national" and greater autonomy to regions coupled with "election quotas for minorities"?»
The state language of Estonia is Estonian. Why in Estonia, at power plants in Narva, all the instructions are in Russian. And then you, EU, can do correctly.