Idiots like Panos have absolutely nothing but false equivalencies to cover up the fact that they just love some good old fascist dick in their mouths. It's ok Panos, you don't understand what fascism means and you're emotional like a little pigtailed schoolgirl, it's not your fault. I call Russia fascist based on it's political organization since the end of the Soviet Union and it's geopolitical goals. "Fascist" doesn't just mean "evil booboo people I don't like", which is what ignorant morons like you use it as.
During and pre-WW2, and even during the Cold War the case could be made that the allies were colonialist, imperialist warmongers. Or that it's true even today, if you have the historical awareness of a newt. Do you know what they weren't? Fascists. They're not the same thing. But useful idiots like you were there to make the case that "Really, are they worse than democracies? Democracies use military force and war for their goals. That totally makes them the exact same thing."