Thus occurred the seizure of the building of the Supreme Council of the Crimea:
Protection (police) were disarmed and removed from the building. Then the Weapons returned. People "unmarked" took control of the order in several buildings and airports in Crimea. At each site there is about 50 soldiers. They make no representations. They do not communicate with people. They don't even talk on the phone.
It is yet unknown who and where these soldiers. However, on the streets of Crimean cities ceased unrest. Police work. Previously, in the clashes, 3 people were killed (heart attack, gas poisoning, stabbed). The work of the citizens and government soldiers "unmarked", not make obstacles. They do not Express their political views. About the victims there is no evidence and messages. However, these people, their work is clearly a good stabilizing factor for the situation in the Crimea. May be they from Russia. Maybe it's former military from Simferopol. And maybe this is a new, unknown until political force in Ukraine? In any case, if these soldiers were not, it would be worse than now. Good job, guys.
This has got to be one of the most brainwashed statements I have read here... Lets apply this piece of "logic" to some part of rUSSIA (darn the grammer mistakes I make these days...

Lets say... Chechnya? Part 1. Lets say there appears an unmarked, freedom desiring force, which wished to establish a country independent of some central "democratic" government in mOSCOW, by "all hail right and righteous" pUTIN.
Part 2. They would occupy local municipal buildings, sever comms with external world, run around guns blazing, eventually establish some kind of a government, rule of law, internal command structure. Then they would add markings to their uniforms and call themselfves a free nation, world would recognize them and a new countrie (albeit - maybe a fucked up one) is born. Because people deserve the right to be free and choose... in some referendum. Right...
Part 1 happened in rUSSIA. Part 2 - did not, because unmarked, armed people were NOT considered a stabilizing factor. And they were NOT allowed a referendum. Instead some motherfucker (can you please tell me the name of commander in chief? some former KGB guy I seem to remember?) slaughtered a huge bunch of them and then a whole new generation of desperate suicide terrorists grew up due to that and they are fucking up rUSSIA good in return with every possibility they get. Good stabilization I say.
So tell me Ivani4 "the brainwashed" - WHY THE FUCK SHOULD ANYONE ACCEPT A "STABILIZING ARMED PEOPLE IN THE STREETS" with a fucking rUSSIA behind them + also taking into account FUCKED UP example of Georgia 6 years ago. What the fuck is your nation thinking? I would be ashamed and would be marching in protests in streets of mOSCOW after such shamefur dispray. And instead you will hide in the next bottle of vodka and say "well... I can't do anything. Better keep silent, because they may come and get me...". Sincerely? FUCK YOU and FUCK THIS SHIT.
I just hope, that onche they come for Latvia, to "liberate" suppressed minority of ethnic russians the locals will send them to hell and let them rot in their never ending corruption and fucked up government paradise + NATO stands by its fucking agreements, not like US/UK/CHN/FR with regards to UKR in light of their treaty of giving away nukes.
I also wish you a similar treatment in Siberia. You know... like 50 million chinese come there, start digging, you demand taxes, they say "FUCK YOU, WE WILL NOW STABILIZE THIS REGION" and then you bite off more than you can chew. Train some Ivani4, because all of diminishing russian population will not be enough to handle 1/5th of CHN army.