
Will Putin command further invasion of Ukraine:

He will and he should, because <random witty/boring reason>
He will, but he should not, because <random witty/boring reason>
He will not, because <random witty/boring reason>
Who is mister Putin?

Author Topic: Meanwhile in Ukraine  (Read 688683 times)

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #675 on: March 02, 2014, 02:56:02 am »
Fact is, since Russia invaded without declaration of war and with unmarked soldiers (who still think they are a 3rd party? I think even Ivanich guessed but doesnt tell :wink:), the few Ukrainian soldiers that were in Crimea have probably been very surprised and could have thought that some pro-maidan or anti-maidan are involved and didnt want to outright kill people.

Very nice tactical play, but now I hear from you that Ukraine also began to mobilize his troops? Are they serious about it or just flexing muscles? What is the size of the actual Ukrainian army and level of preparation (I guess there has been a lot of desertion and desorganization with power change and everything) and what is the combined size of all the unmarked soldiers that has entered Ukraine?

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #676 on: March 02, 2014, 03:19:00 am »
What is the size of the actual Ukrainian army

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #677 on: March 02, 2014, 03:21:46 am »
Very nice tactical play, but now I hear from you that Ukraine also began to mobilize his troops? Are they serious about it or just flexing muscles? What is the size of the actual Ukrainian army and level of preparation (I guess there has been a lot of desertion and desorganization with power change and everything) and what is the combined size of all the unmarked soldiers that has entered Ukraine?

Doubt it matters how many they are, but if a country gets invaded they should at least send everyone to defend. Can't call it a country (or whatever you like) if they are not even trying to defend their land. No matter who attacks.
However the part of the Ukraine that got "attacked" now, is mostly a place where russians already live (or ukrainians that support russia)?

Defend does of course not mean that they should actually start a fight though...
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #678 on: March 02, 2014, 06:55:08 am »
Xant, stop being silly.
Maybe you should sue Russia to court for breaking them laws. And then take Russia to prison.
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in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #679 on: March 02, 2014, 08:51:35 am »
Thus occurred the seizure of the building of the Supreme Council of the Crimea:
Protection (police) were disarmed and removed from the building. Then the Weapons returned. People "unmarked" took control of the order in several buildings and airports in Crimea. At each site there is about 50 soldiers. They make no representations. They do not communicate with people. They don't even talk on the phone.
It is yet unknown who and where these soldiers. However, on the streets of Crimean cities ceased unrest. Police work. Previously, in the clashes, 3 people were killed (heart attack, gas poisoning, stabbed). The work of the citizens and government soldiers "unmarked", not make obstacles. They do not Express their political views. About the victims there is no evidence and messages. However, these people, their work is clearly a good stabilizing factor for the situation in the Crimea. May be they from Russia. Maybe it's former military from Simferopol. And maybe this is a new, unknown until political force in Ukraine? In any case, if these soldiers were not, it would be worse than now. Good job, guys.

This has got to be one of the most brainwashed statements I have read here... Lets apply this piece of "logic" to some part of rUSSIA (darn the grammer mistakes I make these days... :rolleyes:):

Lets say... Chechnya? Part 1. Lets say there appears an unmarked, freedom desiring force, which wished to establish a country independent of some central "democratic" government in mOSCOW, by "all hail right and righteous" pUTIN.
Part 2. They would occupy local municipal buildings, sever comms with external world, run around guns blazing, eventually establish some kind of a government, rule of law, internal command structure. Then they would add markings to their uniforms and call themselfves a free nation, world would recognize them and a new countrie (albeit - maybe a fucked up one) is born. Because people deserve the right to be free and choose... in some referendum. Right...

Part 1 happened in rUSSIA. Part 2 - did not, because unmarked, armed people were NOT considered a stabilizing factor. And they were NOT allowed a referendum. Instead some motherfucker (can you please tell me the name of commander in chief? some former KGB guy I seem to remember?) slaughtered a huge bunch of them and then a whole new generation of desperate suicide terrorists grew up due to that and they are fucking up rUSSIA good in return with every possibility they get. Good stabilization I say.

So tell me Ivani4 "the brainwashed" - WHY THE FUCK SHOULD ANYONE ACCEPT A "STABILIZING ARMED PEOPLE IN THE STREETS" with a fucking rUSSIA behind them + also taking into account FUCKED UP example of Georgia 6 years ago. What the fuck is your nation thinking? I would be ashamed and would be marching in protests in streets of mOSCOW after such shamefur dispray. And instead you will hide in the next bottle of vodka and say "well... I can't do anything. Better keep silent, because they may come and get me...". Sincerely? FUCK YOU and FUCK THIS SHIT.

I just hope, that onche they come for Latvia, to "liberate" suppressed minority of ethnic russians the locals will send them to hell and let them rot in their never ending corruption and fucked up government paradise + NATO stands by its fucking agreements, not like US/UK/CHN/FR with regards to UKR in light of their treaty of giving away nukes.

I also wish you a similar treatment in Siberia. You know... like 50 million chinese come there, start digging, you demand taxes, they say "FUCK YOU, WE WILL NOW STABILIZE THIS REGION" and then you bite off more than you can chew. Train some Ivani4, because all of diminishing russian population will not be enough to handle 1/5th of CHN army.


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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #680 on: March 02, 2014, 10:20:13 am »
This theme becomes boring. You go to the insults. This is not a debate. Now You shall deny me speak. Boycott my deals on the market. Arrest my gold. When a lot of ebaotech is very bad. You probably, like a boxer Klitschko, hit a stone in the head in Kiev?  :evil:
You want to loyal opinions? However, what I write, do not speak Russian media. They say in the media in the United States, England, the EU.
By the way, is four hours that goes mobilization in Ukraine. I wonder weapons give all? In all cities?  :rolleyes:
In the borders of the United States discovered Navy of the Russian Federation! One small, but very scary ship :lol:.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #681 on: March 02, 2014, 10:37:21 am »
Putin's popularity is skyrocketing, and it's only rising because of his firm policy.

From Russian perspective, it was the West that instigated violent revolution in a friendly country on their border and replaced friendly Government with much less friendly Government. And all of that without elections. It just happens that this country is strategically most important country for Russia. So they believe Putin is right to defend Russian interests with force.

Having in mind what happened in Georgia 6 years ago, it seems unlikely that he will back down.

And one of the most hypocritical statements was issued by Russian Orthodox Church, classic manipulation in order to blame victim of aggression if the violence escalates. Here is what they say:

The Russian Orthodox Church described Russia's decision to send troops as a "peace-keeping mission".
"We hope that the mission of the Russian warriors aimed at defending the freedom and the cultural originality of [Ukrainians] will not meet with the sort of violent resistance which can lead to big-scale military engagements," the church said in a statement.

I mean, what have you got to lose? You know, you come from nothing, you're going back to nothing, what have you lost? Nothing!

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #682 on: March 02, 2014, 10:49:41 am »
For a long time, soon the night, in the media (BBC, Euronews, Voice of America, Russian TV) give very little information. A bit more information on Ukrainian TV, "Radio Freedom". But there, too, mostly propaganda. But it shows Chinese canl TV:

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #683 on: March 02, 2014, 10:54:54 am »
At the beginning I was supporting Ukranians, but now since they`re asking help from islamofascist terrorists, I hope Putin nukes those suckers back to the stone age.


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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #684 on: March 02, 2014, 11:00:47 am »
They don't ask it anymore. Probably they didn't, now they say their account was hacked and someone else posted it on their page. And even if they did - that's only one small, though very active, organization.

Actually, since that post was in russian social network, version about hacking is quite believable

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #685 on: March 02, 2014, 11:16:22 am »
Separated at birth like Arnie and Danny DeVito

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #686 on: March 02, 2014, 11:34:43 am »
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #687 on: March 02, 2014, 12:10:40 pm »
Lets say... Chechnya? Part 1. Lets say there appears an unmarked, freedom desiring force, which wished to establish a country independent of some central "democratic" government in mOSCOW, by "all hail right and righteous" pUTIN.
Part 2. They would occupy local municipal buildings, sever comms with external world, run around guns blazing, eventually establish some kind of a government, rule of law, internal command structure. Then they would add markings to their uniforms and call themselfves a free nation, world would recognize them and a new countrie (albeit - maybe a fucked up one) is born. Because people deserve the right to be free and choose... in some referendum. Right...
About spontaneously emerged unknown self-defense forces in Crimea:
4)Stavropol(near Chechnya)
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If EU would be able to survive without Russian gas & oil, then economical sanctions will hit very hard on Russia. Because half or Russian budget consists of gas & oil. Blockade all trade & there won't be any Putin in a year.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #688 on: March 02, 2014, 12:13:26 pm »
At the beginning I was supporting Ukranians, but now since they`re asking help from islamofascist terrorists, I hope Putin nukes those suckers back to the stone age.



Because Right Sector represents all the Ukrainians that opposed Yanukovych.  :rolleyes:
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #689 on: March 02, 2014, 12:14:52 pm »
Are you kidding me? NATO? Wtf? What is NATO going to do? Go into World War 3 because of Crimea? C'mon. Be realistic. World War 3 wouldn't be profitable for anyone, no one would make money of it, and therefore it will not happen. Russian would have lost it, but if only 10% of Russian missiles would hit USA, only cockroaches would survive.

My best guess is that they will shout a lot, 'strongly condemn' and similar bullshit, and that's gonna be it. The only thing I don't know is how ready will Ukranians be to defend Crimea. One thing is certain, if they engage in full scale war with Russkies and lose, beside Crimea they will lose eastern part of the country. And I don't see how they can win, best thing they can hope for is a stalemate. After which there would be some bullshit negotiations, where everyone will agree that they should respect right of Crimeans to self-determination. After which it would also come to the same end - Crimea would separate from Ukraine.

However, if I was Ukrainian, I would also be ready to defend my country.
NATO entering a conflict with Russia on the other side does not mean that a full scale thermonuclear war is gonna erupt. Russia is pulling some real 19th century territory grab shit here which the world hasn't seen for quite a while, especially in a quasi-developed part of the world. This is a serious breach of any international law and there will be attempts at stopping it. Such attempts are costly for every party, including Russia. If they are met with resistance, whether it is diplomatic, economic or military, the costs of gaining territory increase immensely for Russia. NATO isn't going to start World War 3 for Crimea, but neither is Russia obviously. If NATO assists Ukraine in defending its borders Russia could be brought to back down without any further escalation. Though I agree probably nobody is willing to bear the costs for military resistance and NATO will not do anything.

Of course escalation is a risk, but letting territory grabbing go unpunished is very undesirable too. Which is of course also why Ukraine is preparing for war, countries don't just roll over and allow invasions, no matter how big the power difference is. Dunno where you are all from but I know my tiny country grabbed their World War 1 rifles to sit in their outdated wooden bunkers to defend against the Germans in 1940. Ukraine has to go to war.