
Will Putin command further invasion of Ukraine:

He will and he should, because <random witty/boring reason>
He will, but he should not, because <random witty/boring reason>
He will not, because <random witty/boring reason>
Who is mister Putin?

Author Topic: Meanwhile in Ukraine  (Read 689281 times)

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #9780 on: May 12, 2015, 09:01:24 pm »
Is Nebun ready for Tovilist already?

So far he's like

"olol omg lul i sew pistul much clothe pistool xDDD"

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #9781 on: May 12, 2015, 09:14:23 pm »
Da fuck is this man?

Mall for EU with EU products? :lol: :lol: :lol: What are you 5 years old? Do you have any idea how the economy works? Nebun....this is litterally the most absolutely retarded thing i have ever heard and proves you have absolutely not a single idea how EU works, what it does and what benefits and minuses it brings to your country. You have absolutely no understanding of your own country.

See Nicko? I told you Nebun was stupid and his opinions dont matter. :D
No, Tibe he says interesting things. Every country(I don't talk about small countries) has the goal to export as much as they can and to import as less as they can. EU has good developed production, so to grow economy up they need new markets and of course they need to protect their markets, because of that USA and EU controlls import to protect selfproduction. It is so easy to understand. And small country like yours will gain if EU will make business in your country. They will invest in your country money, make new places for workers. Export their products to yours. Nobody says that there are only EU products. But this is a goal. And when something bad will happen like a war, your country will suffer too much, because you selfproduction is too small.

Offline Nebun

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #9782 on: May 12, 2015, 09:19:45 pm »
What you wrote is absolute idiocracy. Fucking kindergarden children think thats how economy works. If everybody in Moldova is so stupid, than no wonder your country is going to be poor forever.

Pretty much Kuujis was accurate. Baltics were extremely poor and in deep shit in 90s, worse than Moldova atm. We joined EU and we prospered a lot. But we also worked hard. We didnt blame anyone for our poverty. We sided with the West and we gained a lot. If we stayed with Russia we would have still been in poverty and dirt and wouldnt probably even have our own countries anymore.

and what are ur ideas u dumb shit? :) u always say i would explain but i just won't, maybe because u fucking idiot
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #9783 on: May 12, 2015, 09:33:44 pm »
Here comes salty redneck. Dude, what he wrote is completely wrong and who to blame for his piss poor knowledge other than education system. But that could be wrong, if I recall right he was home schooled. That explains thing or two...

Anyway, Austrian Arch Duke was killed by Bosnian youth organization which fought for freedom. Prior to those events, Turks were purged from Balkans and countries that were under Ottoman influence became fully independent. Bosnia was under Austrian protectorate and that is why they killed Arch Duke. Germans of course, used that to start a war because they needed war at that time to fix their shitty economy (Germans always fight wars when in crisis, just like Americans).

But to be perfectly honest with you, I would prefer Arch-Duke wasn't assassinated because I would be Austrian born citizen :wink:

Shame you guys spilled that tea centuries ago, you could be witty, interesting and educated people like Brits, unlike fat, ignorant slobs you truly are.

Serbia was the Antagonist(Bosnian Serb shooter, with 5 Serbian conspirators and a whole lot of Serbian Military support)

This letter became known as the July Ultimatum, and Austria-Hungary stated that if Serbia did not accept all of the demands in total within 48 hours, it would recall its ambassador from Serbia. After receiving a telegram of support from Russia, Serbia mobilized its army and responded to the letter by completely accepting point #8 demanding an end to the smuggling of weapons and punishment of the frontier officers who had assisted the assassins and completely accepting point #10 which demanded Serbia report the execution of the required measures as they were completed. Serbia partially accepted, finessed, disingenuously answered or politely rejected elements of the preamble and enumerated demands #1–7 and #9. The shortcomings of Serbia's response were published by Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary responded by breaking diplomatic relations.[147]

What I said was the short version. Please, sit down.

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Offline Tibe

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #9784 on: May 12, 2015, 09:41:07 pm »
No, Tibe he says interesting things. Every country(I don't talk about small countries) has the goal to export as much as they can and to import as less as they can. EU has good developed production, so to grow economy up they need new markets and of course they need to protect their markets, because of that USA and EU controlls import to protect selfproduction. It is so easy to understand. And small country like yours will gain if EU will make business in your country. They will invest in your country money, make new places for workers. Export their products to yours. Nobody says that there are only EU products. But this is a goal. And when something bad will happen like a war, your country will suffer too much, because you selfproduction is too small.

Now, this is what im talking about. You think thats the case, but its really not. And you misunderstand. The countries goal is not to export as much as they can and import as less as they can. That is wrong. Countries real goal would be to import something in lesser value and create something in greater value. Thats why poor african countries export timber and raw iron and other raw materials in very large quantities and earn almost nothing. While richer countries, like Japan for instance, imports all that raw material and creates steel for example which it exports in masses and gains fuckton of money for it.

My country gained wealth, because they adapted and jumped in new markets. Markets Moldova and Russia for instance would never invest in. Markets that have a lot of money in them. This is one reason why the East is poor, it sells raw resources like oil and gas. It never explores new markets. You think that selfproduction is good, but no country can be good at manufacturing everything. Moldova failed in EU cause im quite sure it couldnt compete. I dont seriuslly understand you love for selfproduction. In some parts of the world manufacturing is cheaper than in your country and if you import that instead of making it for a much higher price you actually save money. And the price for everything that gets made from that much more expensive "selfproduct" gets risen aswell. Economy is a lot more complex thing. Going for "selfproduction" on everything is a really horrible idea and cripples your country economically in other ways than just importing everything would.

Your understanding on selfproduction and worldwide markets is wrong and explains a lot. If EU/USA/jews/illuminati actually wants to destroy Russia, than its succeeding at this moment. Making you think that you need to make everything yourself and import nothing. Which in some parts is more expensive to do and will probably help in rising prices in your country, but will lower the importcosts for EU, because if Russia doesnt want to import something EU imports too it means less demand. So GG. Everything is not so black and white. Ofcourse this last part was totally fictional. Dont take it so seriuslly. :D
« Last Edit: May 12, 2015, 09:52:04 pm by Tibe »

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #9785 on: May 12, 2015, 10:08:56 pm »
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Well you answered one question why huge countries need to keep countries what exports raw materials poor. Because of that they can buy cheap raw materials. Just look how many countries were destroyed by USA and EU involvement in the East and Africa last years. I didn't see any sanctions. But to produce products in greater value is only one aspect. It is not a main goal. The real goal is what I wrote before to export as much as you can. And it is good if this are high quality and value products. But to grow up you need cheap materials and new markets. For example in 90's EU and USA bought oil and gas from Russia for very cheap price, because of that some oligarchs grew up. They stole all this money from us and transferred them to EU and USA, you think that EU and USA didn't know that they buy stolen gas and oil? of course they did, but they didn't care, it is just a business.
Also one quote:
the task of Russia after it lost the Cold War is to provide the wealthy countries with resources. But for this task they only require 50-60 million people.( the prime-minister of UK John Major)

Offline Tibe

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #9786 on: May 12, 2015, 10:19:27 pm »
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Well you answered one question why huge countries need to keep countries what exports raw materials poor. Because of that they can buy cheap raw materials. Just look how many countries were destroyed by USA and EU involvement in the East and Africa last years.

Find me evidence of countries that were actually destroyed by USA and EU. I want a list. Cause im quite confident you are just bullshitting here. Cause that sounds like just randomly shooting in the dark to me and hoping you come across something.

They stole all this money from us and transferred them to EU and USA, you think that EU and USA didn't know that they buy stolen gas and oil? of course they did, but they didn't care, it is just a business.

Who would have cared? You think Russia cares about other countries? You think China cares? Nobody cares. Its always buisness for everybody.

Offline Swaggart

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #9787 on: May 12, 2015, 10:22:21 pm »

Serbia was the Antagonist(Bosnian Serb shooter, with 5 Serbian conspirators and a whole lot of Serbian Military support)

This letter became known as the July Ultimatum, and Austria-Hungary stated that if Serbia did not accept all of the demands in total within 48 hours, it would recall its ambassador from Serbia. After receiving a telegram of support from Russia, Serbia mobilized its army and responded to the letter by completely accepting point #8 demanding an end to the smuggling of weapons and punishment of the frontier officers who had assisted the assassins and completely accepting point #10 which demanded Serbia report the execution of the required measures as they were completed. Serbia partially accepted, finessed, disingenuously answered or politely rejected elements of the preamble and enumerated demands #1–7 and #9. The shortcomings of Serbia's response were published by Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary responded by breaking diplomatic relations.[147]

What I said was the short version. Please, sit down.

You do realize the ultimatum was written specifically so any sovereign nation with any self respect would refuse, right? Unless of course you would consider unrestricted access for foreign military personnel completely acceptable.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #9788 on: May 12, 2015, 10:27:27 pm »
Find me evidence of countries that were actually destroyed by USA and EU. I want a list. Cause im quite confident you are just bullshitting here. Cause that sounds like just randomly shooting in the dark to me and hoping you come across something.
Easy - Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Serbia, Sudan, Ruanda, Somali and so on

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #9789 on: May 12, 2015, 10:47:43 pm »
EU has good developed production, so to grow economy up they need new markets and of course they need to protect their markets, because of that USA and EU controlls import to protect selfproduction. It is so easy to understand. And small country like yours will gain if EU will make business in your country.

I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say here. Yes, to increace economy, new market areas are usually searched, this mostly mean countries which are "stable". Good juridict system, transparency government and all in all no corruptions. These are very important parameters for economy and economic grow up. These are also the reasons why USA and EU are so dissapointed about Russia. Russia looked very promissing market area ~2000 - 2005 and new investors tried to do business in Russian and also offer better life for russians. Sadly, there was a military conflict 2008 with Georgia which caused some "alarms" for investors. Current conflict with Ukraine really vanished all investors from Russia. Sadly so, because there was a good start but nationalism won in Russia.

And about USA and EU control imports. Yes, there are tariffs for countries outside USA and EU area. But there are _also_ tariffs at Russian borders. That is the very reason why EU market area is so flexible, because the free trade. And this is the reason why so many ex-russian satelite countries' economy keep growing up in EU free market area. Those ex-satelite countries are great example how to offer better life for people and even some politics in Ukraine noticed this. They tried move toward west and EU and ofcourse, this isn't the diplomacy Russian leaders are looking for, right?

They will invest in your country money, make new places for workers. Export their products to yours.

Who are you referring with "they"? EU itself doesn't invest money if this will cause distortion in market. EU can invest money for new techology such as how to clean pollution or less energy consume engines and such. You see why this desires companies to invest EU and drag new brainstorm? This creates new jobs for workers but also helps companies to find cheaper (read: correct market value) employees. For example, there are huge number of Estonian workers in Finland. Finnish companies can offer they server cheaper, offer also jobs for finnish people because they can compete on price, it's a win-win-situation for people and country (tax money).

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #9790 on: May 12, 2015, 10:49:06 pm »
Easy - Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Serbia, Sudan, Ruanda, Somali and so on
I think Afghanistan was destroyed by russia, so eat your hat :P

Offline Nebun

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #9791 on: May 12, 2015, 10:49:53 pm »
btw Russia and USA just few hrs ago agreed on using all their influence to end conflict in Ukraine, and cooperate in future.
Either USA noticed loss of allies in the world and decided to go for equality. Or Russia sold one of the Arabs countries to US, by not defending them when time comes. Or maybe one of them lied and its going to turn bad. They spoke for about 4 hrs.
If nobody lied then war in Ukraine finally over and all should be good. Really hope so!
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Offline Nebun

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #9792 on: May 12, 2015, 10:51:04 pm »
I think Afghanistan was destroyed by russia, so eat your hat :P

+ Vietnam by US, and Afganistan again by US 2nd time. But just count the difference
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Offline DonNicko

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #9793 on: May 12, 2015, 10:53:29 pm »
Osakasa, what you wrote is right, but I wrote more about geopolitical influence, you just missed the point of previous conversation

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #9794 on: May 12, 2015, 10:59:15 pm »
btw Russia and USA just few hrs ago agreed on using all their influence to end conflict in Ukraine, and cooperate in future.
Either USA noticed loss of allies in the world and decided to go for equality. Or Russia sold one of the Arabs countries to US, by not defending them when time comes. Or maybe one of them lied and its going to turn bad. They spoke for about 4 hrs.
If nobody lied then war in Ukraine finally over and all should be good. Really hope so!
US has wanted to end the conflict there all the time, you utter fucking moron.

Seriously, what the fuck? How do you even get that dumb? Russia ATTACKS UKRAINE and sustains the conflict with its own troops, equipment, money, leads the separatists, etc., etc.... yet, the US is at fault in these retards' minds. Like, how twisted can you get?
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