and some background information.
german link, because the russian and english sites are not that comprehensive. summary:
christened, later atheist, then islamic and now christian again.
he has studied politics, criminology and islamic studies.
later he has worked for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, section - foreign politics, mainliy in islamic countries.
in 2004 there was some trouble with public authorities, suspicion of breach of secrecy, but the accusation was put down.
two years later ulf was one of the founders of Pax Europa, a rightwing, maily antiislamic, party.
in 2008 he laft the party again, because it has become too radical, after all he is still politically active for the antiislamic movement.
former colleagues describe him as a "bunter hund" that means "colourful character" and has not always a positive touch. others see him more as a tale-teller.