
Will Putin command further invasion of Ukraine:

He will and he should, because <random witty/boring reason>
He will, but he should not, because <random witty/boring reason>
He will not, because <random witty/boring reason>
Who is mister Putin?

Author Topic: Meanwhile in Ukraine  (Read 679191 times)

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6481 on: September 11, 2014, 06:32:11 pm »
And of course all the Russian soldiers are angels.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6482 on: September 11, 2014, 06:38:00 pm »
And of course all the Russian soldiers are angels.
I knew it

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6483 on: September 11, 2014, 06:40:42 pm »
To be honest far-right extremism is widespread in armies everywhere, not just Russia or Ukraine.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6484 on: September 11, 2014, 06:52:01 pm »
About Crimea, I don't know, just know that people there wanted to come back to Russia, and now they are happy. I know that there will be no investigation about kills in Odessa and Maidan till new pro-russian government will come to power. I'm against the war, I don't want people to die. If you would listen what eastern people talk about Poroshenko and ukranian army, you will understand that this war was a fault.
Friendly with Russia was only east of Ukraine. When I was in Lvov, they didn't sell me products, because I spoke on russian. That was in 90s. They called me Moscal, but I'm not from Moscow.
Sorry, but this is dodging. I know no sane person, who would prefer war over peace, so thats out of question. What I lack is acceptance of russias role in CAUSING this war. And until russian people realize, this and say "enough" - well... what can one do? Show zero respect to said people? Wage war against them? Boycot everything russian? Try to convince somone to wake the fuck up?

One thing I will NOT do is show ANYTHING resembing respect to the people who support their leaders like putler and are willing to support resurrecting the ghosts of CCCP.

And as for being happy - if there was ANYTHING in the news apart from stuff telling them to be happy - I would consider accepting that for a truth. Now - I see a result of MASSIVE putler controlled propaganda giving results it was expected to give. Nothing more, nothing less. 5% maybe watch something else. 1% maybe starts questioning what the fuck russia did. Well... ofc, this does not include Tatars, who are basically fucked, because they sided with Ukraine.

On the other hand - why should they not be happy. The other regions where putler stirred shit up now have war, so NOT having war I guess is good enough cause to be happy.

I already said so and I will repeat: I am appalled to see the standards, to which russians hold their government accountable. Just that. "Stable enough" is a main reason to support putlers actions with 87% fervor... right.

You want me to respect your country, your leader? Tell me why and how. I would rather have a dependable partner to balance out US influence, rather than an agressor of a country, which decides to prosecute my countrymen for failing to obey laws of crumbing CCCP during 1990ties. Now the only realistic option, IF one does not want a fate of Kazachstan or Belorussia, is to go with NATO, EU and US by extension...

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6485 on: September 11, 2014, 07:11:23 pm »
You see only one side of the medal, and seems don't want see another, so there is no sence to discuss it.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6486 on: September 11, 2014, 07:48:52 pm »
You see only one side of the medal, and seems don't want see another, so there is no sence to discuss it.
You know... lets try. So what is the other side of the medal? Whats there? What do I fail to see?

I perfectly realize, that there probably was a significant majority in Crimea, who wanted to join russia. Is it a cause to annex it? I do not think so. Did russia explicitly promised NOT to do this? I believe it DID. Given this logic russia applies - part of Siberia is liable to be taken away from russia, and whole sections of russian-inhabited London is liable to be taken away from UK too, or is it not? Also - there were parts of russia, who did not WANT to be part of russia. Putler waged a bloody war on them, so THATS how "important" oppinion of people is to him. So whats there on that other side of the coin? Whats IMPORTANT enough to distinguish these cases?

What about eastern Ukraine? There - only a minority (if vocal) wanted to become russia, yet putler supported, trained, equipped and then finally BAILED OUT the minority rebels with fucking russian army anyway. What kind of basis is THERE for russia to intervene and stir shit on a scale of civil war for fuck sake?
« Last Edit: September 11, 2014, 07:53:03 pm by Kuujis »

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6487 on: September 11, 2014, 08:01:37 pm »
Now the only realistic option, IF one does not want a fate of Kazachstan or Belorussia, is to go with NATO, EU and US by extension...

Yeah, just give the EU and 'murica the chance to make the situation even worse. 

There's a reason why we make fun of the west...its because they're morally bankrupt.  Putin's no saint, but he's better than the alternative.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6488 on: September 11, 2014, 08:15:37 pm »
You know... lets try. So what is the other side of the medal? Whats there? What do I fail to see?

I perfectly realize, that there probably was a significant majority in Crimea, who wanted to join russia. Is it a cause to annex it? I do not think so. Did russia explicitly promised NOT to do this? I believe it DID. Given this logic russia applies - part of Siberia is liable to be taken away from russia, and whole sections of russian-inhabited London is liable to be taken away from UK too, or is it not? Also - there were parts of russia, who did not WANT to be part of russia. Putler waged a bloody war on them, so THATS how "important" oppinion of people is to him. So whats there on that other side of the coin? Whats IMPORTANT enough to distinguish these cases?

What about eastern Ukraine? There - only a minority (if vocal) wanted to become russia, yet putler supported, trained, equipped and then finally BAILED OUT the minority rebels with fucking russian army anyway. What kind of basis is THERE for russia to intervene and stir shit on a scale of civil war for fuck sake?
OK, let's try, if I was an ukranian, then of course I would be angry if Crimea went to Russia. It is bad for Ukraine, and maybe good for Russia. As for me after all this conflicts, Crimea would join Russia any way, maybe later but would join. But there wasn't a war, which was on the East. As for me, Kiev should act as written in agreement of 21 february. But right sector sieged the government, Yanukovich flees, because there was real threat to be killed. New authorities should put this guys to the jail, but they made them heroes. And they were like a bosses. Illegal revolution which was supported by new authorities was a fault.
Eastern Ukraine doesn't want to become Russia, where did you get this info, where did you get that there is only minority man? If you think so then you don't know about sittuation there. Yes maybe now they think to join Russia, because of money to build and restore everything what was destroyed. Did you see russian army? me not, but I know that there are about 4000 volunteers from Russia.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6489 on: September 11, 2014, 08:21:35 pm »
You know... lets try. So what is the other side of the medal? Whats there? What do I fail to see?

I perfectly realize, that there probably was a significant majority in Crimea, who wanted to join russia. Is it a cause to annex it? I do not think so. Did russia explicitly promised NOT to do this? I believe it DID. Given this logic russia applies - part of Siberia is liable to be taken away from russia, and whole sections of russian-inhabited London is liable to be taken away from UK too, or is it not? Also - there were parts of russia, who did not WANT to be part of russia. Putler waged a bloody war on them, so THATS how "important" oppinion of people is to him. So whats there on that other side of the coin? Whats IMPORTANT enough to distinguish these cases?

What about eastern Ukraine? There - only a minority (if vocal) wanted to become russia, yet putler supported, trained, equipped and then finally BAILED OUT the minority rebels with fucking russian army anyway. What kind of basis is THERE for russia to intervene and stir shit on a scale of civil war for fuck sake?

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Obama is actually laughing at you for believing him...

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6490 on: September 11, 2014, 08:24:30 pm »
And of course all the Russian soldiers are angels.

Russia will stay on the other side of the fence, but these guys hope to join EU. That doesn't bother you the slightest bit?

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6491 on: September 11, 2014, 08:25:30 pm »
Yeah they might even wish for impure blood flooding their furrows.

Ukraine already has a national anthem, or do you want them to make a new one which include more comtemporary political commentaries?  :P

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6492 on: September 11, 2014, 08:36:45 pm »
There's a reason why we make fun of the west...its because they're morally bankrupt.

ROFL. You live in Russia right? Did you see any justice around you? Did you see uncorrupt police or government? And please, don't pull out of your ass some extreme case from the US. Most people in Europe and US live more free, with a state that protects them, than they do in RF.

but I know that there are about 4000 volunteers from Russia.

"Volunteers with tanks on vacation", "Paratroopers accidentally crossing borders", "UKR shot down plane", "Little green men", "These are not our soldiers", "We are not at war, speak to separatists"..

I mean.. How fucking thick one have to be to see through the mountain of lies?

The facts are:  Separatists are a mix of patriotic RF propaganda brainwashed Russians from UKR and RF, formerly headed by RF Intelligence generals. Massively supported by RF special forces, artillery, and later regular RF units.


Because for russians, "loosing" Ukraine doesn't compute. It's the final nail in the coffin of Russian national feelings of greatness. Hating and blaming the west is another habit, while in fact, the responsibility for your crappy standard of living, massive inequality, fucked up economy lay on your own leaders and shit system.

Something is massively wrong. It took me about 5 seconds to understand that when I came to Russia. The half-built airport wasn't touched since fall of USSR, policewomen was wearing high heels, we were driven around in huge black Lexuses with private drivers, had the top floor of the hotel for our group, but only 4 euros budged per day for our projects (probably because they thought we would steal the money).
It's called massive corruption and a society of lying thiefs.

It is an extremely wasteful way to run a society, and that's the most important reason most people in RF is poor.

Wake up and smell the shit. If you think it's much worse in the west, then please come here and take a look.

This is what the revolutionaries on Maydan finally understood. They don't want your shit system anymore. It's not about Russians as a people for the pro-westerners. And it's not very hard to understand that there are russian hating n a z i s in Ukraine..
« Last Edit: September 11, 2014, 08:41:08 pm by Thomek »
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That Thomeck-delay-kicking bussiness is like that asshole-retard dude that fucks your sister sometimes.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6493 on: September 11, 2014, 08:46:51 pm »
What are you talkin about, I know that in EU life is better, even Putin says this on TV. Just imagine Thomek if would live in the eastern Ukraine and one bomb got to your house and killed your wife, your children, will you say Glory to Ukraine? Because of this actions most of population on the East never will be friendly with Kiev.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6494 on: September 11, 2014, 08:59:42 pm »
What are you talkin about, I know that in EU life is better, even Putin says this on TV. Just imagine Thomek if would live in the eastern Ukraine and one bomb got to your house and killed your wife, your children, will you say Glory to Ukraine? Because of this actions most of population on the East never will be friendly with Kiev.
Once more ignoring that separatists did this too...
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.