Shelling and bombing civilians is just that, whether 1 civilian or 1 million civilians die, civilians are still being shelled, based on the REALITY on the ground you have not shattered my argument imbecile. You accuse me of lying but can't prove it, call my lying usual but still can't prove it, strange, you'd have thought if it were such a usual occurrence then the disproving of my purported lies would also be a usual occurrence, but of course it's not.
No its not. One fameous russian leader once told "a death of an individual is a tragedy, a death of millions is statistics". \
Your point
ONCE AGAIN SHATTERED!I linked to your lies, cba to spend time on you again.
"Wannabe pacifists", I didn't see many wannabe pacifists in Germany, Austria before the outbreak of WW2, their populations were almost entirely compliant with their governments views and actions, as people like you are with the NATO governments. History does repeat but not the way you think it does.
Okai... very interesting definition of a country gearing towards causing world war... lets see, which of the participating countries has 87% approval rate towards their great leader... OH RIGHT, the one which was humiliated and slighted: rUSSIA.
And I haven't bought completely into Russian rhetoric I know it has holes in it, as does the Western narrative, but at least I am able to source my information from both sides and make my mind up rather than idiots who are like, "RT PROPAGANDA, ANNA PROPAGANDA, BBC, SKY GOOD!".
I'm sorry, but when you talk about a sail, which is in fact a fishing-net, and you call that thing "sail with holes" which mostly works... you are not only a liar, you are also plain old dumb

OR you are just like putler, with his (c) "our soldiers are there on vacations", "we do not support fighting" and similar shit.
Without a NATO member state backed coup there would never have been any politically driven bloodshed on the scale that we have seen this year full stop. The further you go back the more the blame lies with foreign antagonists and sections of Ukrainian society manipulated by money and the influence they could attain, from these foreign antagonists.
Because it is impossible, that society got fed up with a corrupt president, who was causing BS on a grandest scale, finally tipping the scales with his refusal of the popular idea of Ukraine in EU and then going WAY overboard with the violent attacks on protesters by government troops with full COMBAT gear... yeahhh... right. Please look up occams razor principle before buying into the russian create conspiracy theories.