
Will Putin command further invasion of Ukraine:

He will and he should, because <random witty/boring reason>
He will, but he should not, because <random witty/boring reason>
He will not, because <random witty/boring reason>
Who is mister Putin?

Author Topic: Meanwhile in Ukraine  (Read 679094 times)

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5865 on: August 24, 2014, 09:31:22 pm »
What is happening now: the Ukraine is led by fascists and partly by naz-is who all bomb civilians in the east... This government of fascists was set in through a coup with the help of the US-government.

The US are already controlling Europe and - by wars disguised as "democratic" wars, which were offensive wars - the Middle East along with it's resources.
Through the situation I wrote concerning the Ukraine, you can say that the US have advanced to the "forecourt" of Russia. Through the fair referendum on Crimea, the US/NATO have received a setback. Of course, the US-subjected mass media called the referendum wrong and it is a farce and so on.
Imagine the following situation: You meet someone on the street. This person is punching you in the face all the time. And at some point you have to punch back. But then you are the bad one, and everyone praises the strange person.
With the help of this image I gave to you, we must go a bit back in history:
In 1990 NATO promised Russia that there will be no further expansion to the east...
(click to show/hide)

The real rivals of the US-government are the following countries: Russia, China and Iran. Russia is the most powerful one, so Russia is the primary target. And many, many things have been done, and many lies were spread, just to call Russia the bad one. Especially MH17. Of course it's sad that people died, but I can surely say, it was not Russia which shot it down. If you still think, it was Russia or Putin, please show me proof!

The mass media are also a big problem. All of us are becoming prepared for a war against Russia. Russia is currently being forced to intervene in something. Russia is forced to do something. Then the war will begin. On European territory.
When I read things like "STOP PUTIN NOW" concerning MH17 or this:
(click to show/hide)
concerning the aid trucks, i feel like "can the chairmen of these media still look in the mirror?" It's not the normal journalists who like to propagate against Russia. Many journalists are suffering because they are not allowed to tell the truth if they know it. Either keep your job and spread lies, or lose your job and get hated by the media, so by most of the population. That's the life of a journalist at least here in Germany.

This picture is showing pretty simply, how things are displayed in mass media:
(click to show/hide)

And this one shows what mass media is doing with us:
(click to show/hide)

So all in all I can say that we are all set on the wrong track. We reached a point, which we already had in history. European folks are being readied for a war against Russia through war propaganda and the fascist government in the Ukraine is supported. Humanitarian aid for the civilians by Russia is denied and called “invasion” but supply of weapons and money from the west is praised. These weapons will then of course be either used against the eastern population or in the big war. So choose wisely who to support in the Ukraine-crisis.
I don’t want war and I don’t want to be “represented” by a fascist-supporting Merkel
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I also want to clarify that I am not talking about the folks, I am talking about the governments who caused all this shit. The folks will be the losers. From the US folk to the European folk to the Russian folk.

The Russians also love their kids.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5866 on: August 24, 2014, 09:35:56 pm »
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Offline Anuran

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5867 on: August 24, 2014, 09:38:03 pm »
Edit: Nvm  :|

Offline Christo

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5868 on: August 24, 2014, 09:46:02 pm »
What is happening now: the Ukraine is led by fascists and partly by naz-is who all bomb civilians in the east... This government of fascists was set in through a coup with the help of the US-government.

You are still parroting this bullshit? Oh wow.
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5869 on: August 24, 2014, 10:01:36 pm »
What is happening now: the Ukraine is led by fascists and partly by naz-is who all bomb civilians in the east... This government of fascists was set in through a coup with the help of the US-government.
Stopped reading right there. This is what putler wants you to believe to justify his bullshit in Ukraine.

@Murmi Because I sure as hell don't want to put all my eggs in one basket, that would be unwise. - you basically admitted that you/your family already did this by engaging in business with and being dependent on russia. Any BIAS maybe, no? Shamfur dispray, go suck lemons.
Hey if the majority of the region wanted more autonomy and the Ukrainian government refused this - the second part of your statement is a lie and you are a liar.
"we do know shitloads about Russia", based on what? Based on national and personal experience. Hell, even UK had some pieces of that experience (see the whole Litvinenko business), and you are still a sheep. And a liar.

@Butan - you sound naive, when you ignore what russian media was cooking up on their airwaves. Also - protests - a MINORITY in those regions wanted to join russia, even if about half were not happy with what was happening in Maidan. So tell me - how that minority manged to screw this whole eastern part of country to hell without external help? And when you state that there is no chance for a nation within a nation to debate becoming a separate state - look at friggin Scotland for a proper example. Wanabee separatists in the ease were never going to be happy with anything Ukraine government suggested to them and that was plain clear from the start. Not even worth saying "told you so".
As to legitimacy - Ukraine parliament IS legitimately elected, Ukraine president IS legitimately elected, even if the just-after-maidan episode was not legal to the letter. Comparing a peaceful-protest-which-turned-violent-due-to-government-actions to armed-occupation-of-buildings-and-sham-referendums-in-favor-of-separatism is BS of QUITE some caliber. If Yanukovich was ANYWHERE near being a responsible president - he would have stepped down and vacated the seat, instead he acted as a russian puppet and a coward.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5870 on: August 24, 2014, 10:25:01 pm »
Stopped reading right there. This is what putler wants you to believe to justify his bullshit in Ukraine.

@Murmi Because I sure as hell don't want to put all my eggs in one basket, that would be unwise. - you basically admitted that you/your family already did this by engaging in business with and being dependent on russia. Any BIAS maybe, no? Shamfur dispray, go suck lemons.
Hey if the majority of the region wanted more autonomy and the Ukrainian government refused this - the second part of your statement is a lie and you are a liar.
"we do know shitloads about Russia", based on what? Based on national and personal experience. Hell, even UK had some pieces of that experience (see the whole Litvinenko business), and you are still a sheep. And a liar.

@Butan - you sound naive, when you ignore what russian media was cooking up on their airwaves. Also - protests - a MINORITY in those regions wanted to join russia, even if about half were not happy with what was happening in Maidan. So tell me - how that minority manged to screw this whole eastern part of country to hell without external help? And when you state that there is no chance for a nation within a nation to debate becoming a separate state - look at friggin Scotland for a proper example. Wanabee separatists in the ease were never going to be happy with anything Ukraine government suggested to them and that was plain clear from the start. Not even worth saying "told you so".
As to legitimacy - Ukraine parliament IS legitimately elected, Ukraine president IS legitimately elected, even if the just-after-maidan episode was not legal to the letter. Comparing a peaceful-protest-which-turned-violent-due-to-government-actions to armed-occupation-of-buildings-and-sham-referendums-in-favor-of-separatism is BS of QUITE some caliber. If Yanukovich was ANYWHERE near being a responsible president - he would have stepped down and vacated the seat, instead he acted as a russian puppet and a coward.

I have no idea what the fuck you are on about. Are you on some drugs or something? You can't stop dragging up my family and can't stop sticking words in my mouth. Please quote where I have stated that me and my family depend on Russia. Please quote where I have stated I am doing business with Russia or that I even have a business in the first place. Where are you getting these ideas from, your imagination?

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5871 on: August 24, 2014, 10:33:04 pm »
If Putin places sanctions on the U.K which may affect myself and my family I would blame my government for its lack of competence in the diplomatic arena.
Did I misunderstood that?

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5872 on: August 24, 2014, 11:30:29 pm »
Did I misunderstood that?

Most likely.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5873 on: August 24, 2014, 11:32:02 pm »
This thead keeps getting better. At some point I believed nobody would top murmillus but anuran is doing one hell of a show.

I mean.... the gems... it's too much

The real rivals of the US-government are the following countries: Russia, China and Iran. Russia is the most powerful one

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5874 on: August 25, 2014, 12:29:57 am »
Comparing a peaceful-protest-which-turned-violent-due-to-government-actions to armed-occupation-of-buildings-and-sham-referendums-in-favor-of-separatism is BS of QUITE some caliber.

You're mixing everything up if you can say that unrest in the east is armed-occupation-of-buildings-and-sham-referendums-in-favor-of-separatism right from the start. You're a step lower than Tibe in the chronology, but still not quite where it began.

Protests in the east were peaceful at first (as peaceful as demonstrations with rocks/molotovs) but turned into armed insurgency after nothing changed and crackdowns then ATO began.
Sham referendums were done by the auto-proclamed separatists, which formed around the same time the insurgency armed itself.

If the Yanukovitch government had managed to stays at the reins even after the bloody days of Maidan, the peaceful protests would have went into the same stages of metamorphosis.

You mark a point when you talk about them not having the ressources to resist to the armed repression of Kiev, if Russia wasnt there they would be long gone. That would have been for the better?
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 12:37:10 am by Butan »

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5875 on: August 25, 2014, 01:51:15 am »

23-26 February: Parliament names speaker Olexander Turchynov as interim president. An arrest warrant is issued for Mr Yanukovych, and the acting president warns of the dangers of separatism. Members of the proposed new government appear before demonstrators, with Arseniy Yatsenyuk nominated prime minister. The elite Berkut police unit, blamed for deaths of protesters, is disbanded.

27-28 February: Pro-Russian gunmen seize key buildings in the Crimean capital, Simferopol. Unidentified gunmen in combat uniforms appear outside Crimea's main airports. At his first news conference since fleeing to Russia, Mr Yanukovych insists he remains president.

1 March: Russia's parliament approves Vladimir Putin's request to use force in Ukraine to protect Russian interests. Pro-Russian rallies are held in several Ukrainian cities outside Crimea, including the second-biggest city Kharkiv. Barack Obama tells Mr Putin to pull forces back to bases.

On 1 March 2014, the council of Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine's easternmost region, voted to demand giving the Russian language the status of second official language, stop "persecution of Berkut fighters", disarm Maidan self-defense units and ban a number of political organizations like Svoboda and UNA-UNSO. They threatened the Ukrainian central authorities that it reserved the right "to ask for help from the brotherly people of the Russian Federation".[1] Pro-Russian citizens held a rally of up to 5,000 against the new government and demanding a referendum on whether to join Russia.[2][3][4][5]

4 March
Pro-Russian separatists consolidated their control of the local Regional Administration in Donetsk.[33] Pavel Gubarev was elected governor, and told reporters that work on the structure of the new administration is being done.[33] "We don't want to give our money any more to Kiev. We want more freedom for our city in a new federation or confederation that allows us to embrace the friendly ties and positive feelings towards us of the people of Russia," Gubarev said.

13 March: Ukraine's parliament votes to create a 60,000-strong National Guard to defend the country.

6 April
1,000–2,000 pro-Russia protesters attended a rally in Donetsk pushing for a Crimea-style referendum on independence from Ukraine.[151] After which 200 separatists took control of the first two floors of the building. The pro-Russian protesters broke down doors and smashed windows. The administration headquarters were empty, with only guards inside, as Government officials don't work on Sundays.[151] The separatists demanded that if an extraordinary session was not held by officials announcing a referendum to join Russia, they would declare unilateral control by forming a 'People's Mandate' at noon on 7 April, and "dismiss" all elected council members and MPs.[152][153][154] Residents of Donetsk submitted an open letter calling for the acting president of Ukraine to protect them from the pro-Russian separatists.[155]

So, yea...Peaceful, to forcefully trying to change the area to Russia, day 1.

There wasn't any "negotiation" just a "We hate you, we stronk Russian."
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5876 on: August 25, 2014, 04:47:38 am »
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5877 on: August 25, 2014, 06:20:49 am »
No that's not the point I'm making. The point I'm making is that Russia hasn't even behaved half as bad as NATO and yet the media and some sections of society perpetuate anti Russian hype as though Russia has been as every bit as aggressive and violent as NATO has been this century, when it reality it has not, and the very same media and largely the same sections of society largely ignored and even supported NATO's aggression which was pushed through with anti-targeted state propaganda being broadcast on Western media 24/7.

Gonna stop you right there. You do realise Russia hasnt behaved so badly cause its NATO that keeps it in check. Look at the map of countries. Every country Russia borders has a puppeted government or is either to big to invade or is Nato. They are boxed in now and thank god for that. The assholes were so desperate to invade something that they even called dibs on the Arctic and basically told the rest of the world to fuck off. Not to mention unlike Natos trainingexercises, Russias yearly militarytrainings involve things like basically nuking Warsaw and invading the Baltic in less than a week. We dont know for certain, but atleast in Europe, Natos presence has done more good. But ofcourse things like could have, should have, would have are hardly convincing statements.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5879 on: August 25, 2014, 10:31:18 am »
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