
Will Putin command further invasion of Ukraine:

He will and he should, because <random witty/boring reason>
He will, but he should not, because <random witty/boring reason>
He will not, because <random witty/boring reason>
Who is mister Putin?

Author Topic: Meanwhile in Ukraine  (Read 680086 times)

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5160 on: August 01, 2014, 09:37:34 pm »
Ah, this cunt is or was supposed to be in Hungary to shoot some film, or as a part of a theatrical play or something the last time I heard.

That moment when the news and etc. well kind of praise him for a "big french actor" coming here (well physically it's correct)

Dear goodness this country is all fucked up  :lol:

Haha look at Putin's face.  He's leaning back just dreading having that fat tub of guts enfolding him in a sweaty embrace.  "I can stand any sanctions but this action from the west is unbearable."

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5161 on: August 01, 2014, 10:23:09 pm »
You can't let Ukraine to have its nuclear weapons back. Kiev junta and Right Sector will bomb civilians again, those damn fascists.

Fuck it Dave. This is not russian propaganda, this is your TV :

Bonus : SBU report of Ukrainian army losses : http://vineyardsaker.blogspot.fr/2014/07/catastrophic-desertions-and-losses-in.html
« Last Edit: August 01, 2014, 10:26:42 pm by Tovi »
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Offline DaveUKR

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5162 on: August 01, 2014, 10:48:45 pm »
So what? You post a video with a random retarded guy explaining his opinion. It's a singer of a barely known band Sweetlo, maybe he's just trying to get some attention. I'm used to your "sources", I even managed to remember names of your channels with a couple of subscribers :lol: Your sources are so good, no idea why you didn't claim that he's Jerzy Dziewulski.

Also, Tovi, give me a couple of minutes, I didn't see your edit with one more bullshit. I'll once again prove that you're a retard who posts all the possible fakes.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2014, 10:51:48 pm by DaveUKR »

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5163 on: August 01, 2014, 10:51:59 pm »
First time visiting this thread, and Tovi makes no sense.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5164 on: August 01, 2014, 11:31:27 pm »
Do you really want to see these guys with nuke weapons ? http://rt.com/shows/the-truthseeker/169176-ukraine-gangste-nuclear-strikes/
As I have already seen on numerous publications - russias "news" and rest of the world live in different realities... Some would ask WHY, but some like their pill shiney and easy to swallow I guess.

Why the fuck do you come here with funny rt's videos anyway?

In other news - GO SIBERIA! https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ftjournal.ru%2Fpaper%2Ffree-siberia&edit-text=&act=url ... well... fuck, that didn't last long, did it?  :?

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5165 on: August 01, 2014, 11:44:11 pm »
So what? You post a video with a random retarded guy explaining his opinion. It's a singer of a barely known band Sweetlo, maybe he's just trying to get some attention. I'm used to your "sources", I even managed to remember names of your channels with a couple of subscribers :lol: Your sources are so good, no idea why you didn't claim that he's Jerzy Dziewulski.

Also, Tovi, give me a couple of minutes, I didn't see your edit with one more bullshit. I'll once again prove that you're a retard who posts all the possible fakes.

Maybe Russia itself is a fake country  :rolleyes:
I mean, what is an evidence for you ?
But, from my point of vue, anything that comes from USA is fake, also. It's a kind of empire of illusions, there is almost 4 spin doctors for 1 journalist.

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Offline DaveUKR

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5166 on: August 02, 2014, 12:20:14 am »
Okay, here we go. About that "official reports" posted by Tovi.  :rolleyes: http://vineyardsaker.blogspot.fr/2014/07/catastrophic-desertions-and-losses-in.html

Once again I'm busting this fake personally so it's not a copypaste text. I might searched it wrong or maybe it's a very fresh fake so I didn't find any proofs of this being fake but anyway it won't be hard for me. What's pathetic that Russian central TV channels once again showed these "REAL REPORTS" in their news, good job. You can use my proofs and send them to journalists of Russian media, Tovi.

First pic:
(click to show/hide)
1. The first what made my eyes bleed is that they couldn't type the name of the President correctly. Hell yeah, SBU types wrong initials of Poroshenko calling him P.A. instead of P.O. (Petro Oleksiyovych, P.A. can only be written in Russian while his name would sound as Pyotr Alekseyevich).
2. SBU like all the other ministries doesn't use the phrase "цілком таємно" (top secret), this looks like a translated Russian phrase "совершенно секретно" which was (or still is, I don't know) used by KGB. They use only one word "таємно" (secret). Also the font is different to the rest of the document, it can be easily seen.
3. The address is wrong, headquarters of SBU are located on Volodymyrska, 33. The mentioned Malopidvalna, 16 is a place where citizens can contact with SBU (like citizen reception or whatever it's called).
4. Post index is 01601 which is the post index of Khreshyatyk (one of the main streets of Kyiv), the real post index should be 01034.
5. It's approved by a subordinate Vasyl Grytsak which can't be true in SBU or any other military ministry. It should be the opposite, the message is always approved by someone who has a higher position, basically if a head of SBU reports - nobody from SBU can approve it below in the document.
6. The autograph of the head of SBU is taken from wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentyn_Nalyvaichenko (there is a couple of other examples of his sign found by me, but this one is an exact copy, pixel to pixel, I checked it)
(click to show/hide)
7. According to this document, Poroshenko made a request for this report at the 1st of July, so it took 18 days to make it. This is not how reports are made during military conflicts.

I don't even mention that the blank itself is not the one which is used by SBU and also how it's written (with emotions and stuff, random percentages, wrong spaces etc.)

2nd picture
(click to show/hide)
Lol, this picture is so fake that I don't even want to comment it but I have to  :lol:
1. Whoever knows Ukrainian can understand clearly that this one is fake, incorrectly translated words, Russian words mixed with Ukrainian and so on.
2. Ukrainian military divisions are obviously fake. There is no such thing as "internal troops", it was removed and reformed to National Guard so it's basically impossible to mention both National Guard and internal troops as it's the same thing. I don't even speak about Right Sector mentioned as the separate military division (:lol:)
3. Same things with autographs. Avakov's sign is taken from wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arsen_Avakov_%28politician%29 and Grytsak's signature is exactly the same as in the previous document.

Numbers are just hilarious. According to this document Ukrainians lost more than 6300 troops, 35 tanks, 96 APCs, 38 artillery units, 7 military planes, 2 helicopters and 102 military automobiles during less than a week (1600 dead and 4700 wounded). What is this? D-Day in Normandy? And what's funnier: there are only 112 separatists lost (48 dead and 64 wounded). So basically pro-Russians are each and everyone living Rambos. Each dead/wounded separatist manages to kill/wound almost 60 Ukrainian troops, destroy an APC, a tank/artillery unit and an automobile :lol:
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5167 on: August 02, 2014, 06:14:38 am »
Maybe Russia itself is a fake country  :rolleyes:
I mean, what is an evidence for you ?
But, from my point of vue, anything that comes from USA is fake, also. It's a kind of empire of illusions, there is almost 4 spin doctors for 1 journalist.
Thats your point of view cause you are watching the world from a basementwindow and making assumptions based on other very questionable peoples assumtions and calling it a fact.

Offline DaveUKR

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5168 on: August 02, 2014, 10:24:05 am »
Maybe Russia itself is a fake country  :rolleyes:
I mean, what is an evidence for you ?
But, from my point of vue, anything that comes from USA is fake, also. It's a kind of empire of illusions, there is almost 4 spin doctors for 1 journalist.

Evidence is something that is not a complete cheap bullshit which is shown on Russian central TV and then translated to French.

Also, Tovi. About the video you posted earlier. I looked a little bit into it. Turned out it's a cheap montage. Here's the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCD4RS9LsTI
There is nothing common between this video and the fake you posted before. The video you posted is a cheap montage with words and phrases taken out of context and merged in to make an image of a cruel nаzi. Actually he didn't say anything even CLOSE to what is shown on the video. I take my words back about him being retard and seeking for some attention.
Also, watch the date, 29th of april. The fake video you mentioned is montaged at 31st of July. And of course this video became "breaking news" in Russian central TV channels even after 3 months.

And one more thing that you don't understand. Hromadske.tv is not a TV channel, it's an Internet TV, you can't watch it on your TV. I'm just curious how retarded can you be?

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5169 on: August 02, 2014, 12:42:09 pm »
And one more thing that you don't understand. Hromadske.tv is not a TV channel, it's an Internet TV, you can't watch it on your TV. I'm just curious how retarded can you be?

First thing I did when I clicked the video - I googled the tv name which is clearly present. Ended up on Wikipedia, reading that it's Internet TV...
From such a smart and intelligent guy as Tovi, I would have expected the same 2 minutes effort tbh. Quality sources right there.
Yet we are the brain washed mainstream :lol:

He really is a clown.
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5170 on: August 02, 2014, 01:31:36 pm »
The first time he made very clear he was unironically a 9/11 truther, no one should ever have taken his views or any of his ridiculous "sources" seriously again.
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5171 on: August 02, 2014, 01:57:33 pm »
This discussion in itself is a great example on how conspiracy theorists manage to destroy a discussion. Ironically, it is the tendency to believe in such stuff that is the VEIL THAT HIDES THE TRUTH. :D  (in your own head that is)

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The world doesn't need crazy theories to be explained.

On some mental level, I think the Putin supported insurgency in Ukraine comes straight out of a wounded pride in the Russian people, built up since the fall of SU. Of course the propaganda nurtures these emotions. Ukraine is Russias abused little brother, and when he wants to leave the family, it just hurts too much, and he needs to be punished.

Now Putin is creating truth by slowly radicalizing Ukraine. Thus if he continues, they will begin to hate Russia, and Russians too as an extension. Gives him a great reason to annex more and more of what he perceives to be Russian lands..
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That Thomeck-delay-kicking bussiness is like that asshole-retard dude that fucks your sister sometimes.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5172 on: August 02, 2014, 02:17:14 pm »
they will begin to hate Russia, and Russians too as an extension.

Fairly advanced on that level, imo.

Putin didnt "create" the hate all by himself, come on. Nor is it a possible tool to annex other countries: since when people that hates you are a good source of annexed population?
That theory is at the illuminati level you mock in your same post...

Offline DaveUKR

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5173 on: August 02, 2014, 02:53:58 pm »
Fairly advanced on that level, imo.

Putin didnt "create" the hate all by himself, come on. Nor is it a possible tool to annex other countries: since when people that hates you are a good source of annexed population?
That theory is at the illuminati level you mock in your same post...

The difference is that Illuminati shit is a theory and what we have in Ukraine is reality. It's an old trick, divide et impera. You make everything to force people associate themselves and others with things you need. Having such a huge media influence (Ukrainians were watching a lot of Russian channels, especially the eastern part of Ukraine) made it easy for years. People in Crimea were really scared of "nаzi Bandera followers" who were going to kill them all for being Russians and crucifix their children. And it worked just fine, because it's not like only one channel is transmitting this shit. Imagine, there are dozens of such channels and they all use the same methods and even same words. They call the current government "junta" and Ukrainian military "chasteners". I mean it's not even funny how retarded it is, just every god damn article in their media has these words and none of them thought about the meaning of these words.

People from Russia are ready to kill all the Ukrainians according to their posts on forums/comments. And if I were this stupid I would want this as well, because if you believe in all that bullshit from their media - you can have an image of an absolute evil that is called Ukraine.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #5174 on: August 02, 2014, 03:01:36 pm »
Yes but then, they can only annex the people who believes in the lies : mostly ethnic russians.
Putin isnt going to annex the whole of Ukraine by making 80% of its population (ukrainians) hate its guts. Through that divide et impera trick he already reached his maximum capacity : Crimea and possibly south-east Ukraine rebel controlled regions.

Thus, if Putin continues like this, he will gain nothing more than what he already has.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2014, 03:05:33 pm by Butan »