Bullshit, as most of the recent nerfs, err "patches" - and "moar nerf" threads.
My lvl 22 arbalest alt already gets better KD than my archer main at lvl 30. Not to speak of the biased points system on the scoreboard which is not even worth a laugh any more.
High PD builds are not feasible and have not been for a very long time because of bs "balancing" AKA 2h/pole cocksucking. The recent "agi should rule the world" wpf/wp system change did not make that any better, but actually worse.
Quick solution for all the whining:
- melee pussies, learn to die with honor and be sportsmen. You kill several archers each round, why not get killed here and there by an arrow. (((besides most ranged focus on ranged, just look at the screen that thomek posted above, it proves nothing except useless melee whining)))
- make xbowmen use pd or a new similar stat for xbows. Makes them less of 1-men-armies and forces them to be dedicated or bad.
- make high pd archer builds (pd 7 and up) useful again, and "punish" them by leaving the current bs weight of arrows in place for them. Heavy archer is heavy.
- make bodkins usable only with high tier bows. A dedicated archer has the right to kill you, a nomad bow ha has the job to annoy you (and maybe hit the face for a kill)
- make normal arrows weight less, the current "anti-kite" bs is very similar to the "anti-terror" bs all over the world ("just make them all feel guilty and punish without discrimination...")
- make all bows one pd more difficult = less agi whores with bow sidearm...
- rework damage / arrow speed for all bows. 1 slot bows should not be superior in almost all aspects to the high tier bows.
Problem solved. A couple of dedicated archers that can actually harm you, your precious horse, or even kill you... (((((new whining incoming, of course))))), less spammy pussy archers, and xbows finally in their place.
But who would want that.