Why would you play cRPG in South Africa ?
Take advantage of being there :
- go visit the Kruger National Parc, more than once, stay more than a week long
- go to the hilly countries, LEsotho and Swaziland, which are absolutely beautiful
- the dunny coast of Namibia is also astonishing
- visit the Apartheid Musemun in Pretoria
- visit the Cap of good luck, at The Cape
- visit mangrooves on the east coast
- go in a Zoo where there's more than 1 Elephant, 1 lion, 1 Tiger.
- ride an ostrich, and race a friend/family/girl(boy)friend
- .........
I lived in Pretoria, but at that time, M&B wasn't even out. So i have no idea how it is now. But back then, i could check my e-mails on my hotmail account. Awesome right ?