Wow so much hilarious stuff here, Leshma.
I did "admit I fucked up", I never thought I wouldn't get banned for that. Which is why I admitted that yes, I did it knowing the consequences and would have done it again (btw it wasn't an archer that got tked deliberately, it was a HX that had spent the previous round delaying, leading to a ~5 min round with around 12 people in server. That tk was practically a public service, and my team ended up winning the round anyways). I suppose I could've come whinning and whining and pretending I was OH SO SORRY, when clearly this wasn't the case, but then again I'm not into "roleplaying" on forums...
Btw that has to be the weirdest excuse I've ever heard. So when you're on forums you create "characters", and try to react as that invented person would? So even your dull, bland personality is just a lie and a facade? Is this the answer behind the she-male mystery, Leshma being one of your "characters" that just happens to be female? But that answer is a bit too pat, you've been around for years and have commented on many different topics, including real life stuff on many occasions. Unless your medieval era "character" just happened to have opinions on issues hundreds of years into the future, I don't buy your shit. "Oh I know I can come across as a moralizing asshole preaching from the mountain like he got handed tablets from god itself, but that's just a character, haha gais I just enjoy rolepaying". Yeah right.
As for cmp being my behind the scenes cRPG whore and giving me preferential treatment, I wish. I tried to bribe him, being italian I figured he would be corrupt as fuck, but no dice. Yet again you are severely misinformed, but I suppose the voices in your head help to fill in the blanks. That's some Rass_Frenzy level conspiracy theory stuff right there. I hope you didn't catch anything from him during the duel, and vice versa. I don't think this forum could contain the level of madness a Rass/Leshma hybrid would create.