Sorry if I post this in general discussions but i'm getting real tired of it.
It's been months already now; every day, after 5:30 - 6:00 pm (gmt +1) my ping starts to get much higher; first hour is around 90, then it increases till 140 for like 3 or 4 hours, and then again it starts to get back to normality; I'd like to add that on HRE server (a not official server) it always remains around 40, on official servers, when it's good, it stays around 50-55. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one having this problem (got confirms from a couple of italian friends), can't really tell when it started honestly, but i was wondering who else is dealing with this and for how long.
I also would like to add that if I use a german VPN during the 4 hours gap my ping gets even lower then usual.