I don't think this even deserves discussion, outside the U.S. It's asking "should there be a separation between an organization full of delusional people that believe in a fairy tale and the state?" It's not a question that requires discussion.
Nailed it.
BTW. Im an atheist. I worship at the altar of science and humanity. I personally cannot prove that world is round, except that I believe it is, it makes logical sense, and when flying or on a high mountain or atop a mast at sea, you can SEE the curvature. BUT I CANNOT PROVE IT, so I take on faith what men who dedicate their lives to understanding it have told me. What makes me value science above religion is that sciencetists, on the whole (there are always exceptions), will happily give up a theory that is disproven, when you give them enough evidence, and godbothereres will not. They are dogmatic, and that is dangerous.
But I was raised in rural spain, where the Catholic Church and the socialist party still fight on. I was raised a Catholic. But even as a child I remember taking the host in my mouth and feeling NOTHING except drymouth. I sat and prayed but nothing changed. Then I realised: praying is just hoping, and hoping for change does nothing. But besides that, there are other parts to Christianity that I cannot support. Let's not get into the mass extinction of millions of people that the US side of christianity is directly responsible for, lets stick to what all cristians believe:
Jesus did NOT die for MY sins. Those sins are MINE, I take full responsibility, and if I am WRONG and there is an afterlife, I will continue to take responsibility. As an adult, I CANNOT accept that Jesus died for my sins. It's not fair. If he was the son of god, or even if he was just a nice guy trying to make people be nice to one another, he did live once. And he died. ONCE. One time. He was born among men and was killed by men. But I did not do that. Eve went against the orders of god. BUT I DID NOT DO THAT. If God loves man, then I was born perfect. There is no sin from before my birth that is mine. I WILL NOT take responsibility for what others did. I will punish them if I can, I will protect the weak. I will help anyone who asks. But I will not take the blame for something I didn't do.
I don't feel responsible that millions of africans where made into livestock. I did not do that. I will not take the blame for that. Africans and Europeans from that time did that. I did not. I will not take responsibility for all those who live in the 3rd world as slaves today. Millions do, and that's why we in the west enjoy games and TV and microwave meals. I hate it. I hate that we as a species are destructive and have to have at least half the population in distress all the time so that a tiny % can live in excess. It literally makes me cry when I think of what we do, in the name of progress or science or religion, BUT ITS NOT MY FAULT.
If again a situation arose like that of the 1900-1940's, where socialism came close enough that some could even smell it, I would fight and die for it. Not even a doubt in my mind. I would DIE for it. But it lost, right wing politics won, and we live in a very right wing world, and that is why religion is even still a reality, instead of a silly idea that children are taught about in history class: "Humans used to believe that invisible men always watched them, judging there actions, and that this ONE life, this beautiful, unlikely, amazing thing that is their ONE life, was actually just a test before the real deal, so it was best to spend it in drudgery and worry. Long since we have learnt that it is infact a control mechanism and an escape for those not brave enough to face the world as it is". But we have religion, the weak hide in it, the strong use it to achieve their personal goals, and everyone has to respect it.
No God, not even one god, ever. Not a single one. NONE.
Us, humans, without god. But we are not alone. The smarter Apes are as self aware as you or I. Are they not people? They have worries and cares and family they love. The only barrier between humans and apes communicating is a language barrier. Teach a gorrilla sign language and they can speak with us just fine. So...are they not perfect also, like man? They do less harm, always want to live in peace, and are loving family members. So, do they get to go to heaven? No? No heaven for orangutangs, who do nothing negative to anyone or anything? Why? Because ignorant fools from long ago wrote it in a book.
I refuse.
My sins are mine.
There is no God.
When a state uses faith a bases for ANYTHING, then they are lying fucking cunts using people. By polititian is, when used in its FIRST definition, a very dirty word. Nothing a politian can do, from the worst sex scandal and drug bust to the most fascist control mechanism disguised as protective measures, can surprise me: They are humans, same as me. They are flawed, more so since they seek popularity and power solely by taking advantage of others. No polititian, from ANY state, can EVER try to tell me what is morally right.
A state representative wouldn't recognise God if he popped round for tea and left his fucking calling card.
TL:DR = God is not real, and everyone knows it. Some are scared to admit it themselves because of indroctrination there whole life. Any choice made because of faith is wrong. When a state makes a descision based on Faith, it is already morally bankrupt, since those making the choice are not believers, they are decievers, else they would not hold political power. So when a state makes ANY mention of faith in its priorities, then it is using it as an opiate to sooth over a rough deal some poor shmuck is getting as a result of the States choice.