Finished Season 2 now so spoilers here obviously...
I feel this was kind of disappointing in general. There doesn't feel like theres any real story line threading through it, just random events especially once the story line involving Carver was finished. The characters weren't as interesting as the first series for the most part, and it lacked a strong lead without Lee imo. The decision of who to kill at the end was a highlight of the series though.
Part of the problem for me is how long it took to get each episode out. Think ill wait until they are all out before buying another Teltale series, especially since it went on offer as the last episode came out
I just finished it myself.
I agree with how long the episodes took to come out, after playing episode 1 back when it first came out I didn't play anymore until all of them were out which I was glad I did. I liked the story to be honest, I felt I grew a lot with Jane and Luke through out the series and was pretty mad when Luke died and Bonnie blaming the death on me. I ended up shooting Kenny because he was borderline crazy but apparently a lot of people liked the dude since I was in the minority of 10% for ending with Jane...
I enjoyed the game, I would say the game was SLIGHTLY worse than the first one but ONLY BECAUSE I was playing Lee and had this sense of protection over Clementine and took care/comforted her when needed. Otherwise I found the event in Season 2 to be overall better but you are correct in the sense of there lacking a main story that leads through out the game, but maybe that's a good thing, it is about survival after all and it showed how quick things can happen and how you have to adapt.
Good Sequel, another solid game by Taleworlds but with Wolf Among Us being the strongest of them all so far I think. I can't wait for Borderlands 2 and Game of Thrones games that they got in the works!