Author Topic: Ban Cikel  (Read 1546 times)

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Offline Kreczor

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Ban Cikel
« on: November 17, 2013, 11:29:18 pm »
1. Name of your character involved   Kreczor_of_Chaos
2. Name of offending character(s) Cikel
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible ~5:25pm EST NA_1
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after. Cikel teamhits in spawn, gets kicked and rejoins server.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.Because he's an asshat? He always hits teamates and claims it's an accident. I wouldn't be posting this unless he hadn't done so the previous map.
6. Multiple Screenshots
7. Names of players that can witness what happened. Everyone else in screen.
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Re: Ban Cikel
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2013, 12:26:54 am »
I am witness and I reported too, however I dont think this was ban worthy. He didn't "teamhit" at spawn. He barely bumped people on his way out with his light HA horse.
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Re: Ban Cikel
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2013, 01:48:19 am »
The best bit is I rejoined the server and team killed Argaloth

Ban Cikel 2013

But I suppose if I'm going to get banned the truth should at least come out:

Last map I accidently hit krekzor who immediately M'd me oh well I can take an M like a man. I then team hit him since the round was winding down and we were clearly winning. I typed "sorry accident' or something to the effect purely for my jollies. He then began attempting to berate me as only krekzer can. It was like arguing with a limp penis. I told him I'm sorry I wasn't up to his J4G standards and imagined his shitty voice cracking voice and I got a good laugh. Something about him seeing a penis and liking it

This map I was on my horse archer. Sandy said something rude to me (probably imagined) in team speak so I shot his horse 3 times. I then team bumped (going really slowly mind you) 2 people unintentionally and got the bless-ed 5/5. I was going to quit to play dota but then I saw argaloth say "top lel" and I just imagined his 14 year old girly horrible voice and I lost it. I ripped my shirt in half exposing my bare chest and drew in a deep breath. The vessels in my head began throbbing much like my erect penis. I let out a "YULULULULULUL" with such exertion and force that I thought my vocal chords would be ripped in half. I MASHED on my MOUSE METICULOUSLY, methodically going through the MOTIONS of rejoining the server.

The smell of fresh grass entered my nostrils and my horse impatiently stamped the ground.... impatiently. I suppose he could sense the blood lust ringing through my body, emanating from my core. I spurred my horse into action eagerly seeking my prey. This would be no easy task but my faithful companion and I were more than up to the challenge.

Time seemed to move slowly at this point, obviously due to the adrenaline pumping through my body. My quarry was unsuspecting I realized. I was elated, euphoric, ecstatic. Urging my horse to greater SPEEDS than we had ever ACHIEVED I began whooping and guffawing. My mouth was salivating uncontrollably and my nipples were firm and erect. My toes curled in anticipation and my hips gyrated against my horse. I drew an arrow from my quiver and pulled back.....


All in all I am not sorry to krekzor but I am sorry for breaking the rules and rejoining the server. I knew what I was doing was wrong and against the rules but did it anyway because I had to team kill Argaloth.

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Re: Ban Cikel
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2013, 02:20:16 am »
you deserve a get out of jail free card for that touching essay, cikel
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Offline Kreczor

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Re: Ban Cikel
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2013, 03:14:13 am »
i mean, if you werent such a shithead 24/7 i wouldnt have posted this but otherwise enjoy the ban.
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Re: Ban Cikel
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2013, 03:32:52 am »
i mean, if you werent such a shithead 24/7 i wouldnt have posted this but otherwise enjoy the ban.
Not even the birds want you
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Re: Ban Cikel
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2013, 04:31:25 am »
The best bit is I rejoined the server and team killed Argaloth

Ban Cikel 2013

But I suppose if I'm going to get banned the truth should at least come out:

Last map I accidently hit krekzor who immediately M'd me oh well I can take an M like a man. I then team hit him since the round was winding down and we were clearly winning. I typed "sorry accident' or something to the effect purely for my jollies. He then began attempting to berate me as only krekzer can. It was like arguing with a limp penis. I told him I'm sorry I wasn't up to his J4G standards and imagined his shitty voice cracking voice and I got a good laugh. Something about him seeing a penis and liking it

This map I was on my horse archer. Sandy said something rude to me (probably imagined) in team speak so I shot his horse 3 times. I then team bumped (going really slowly mind you) 2 people unintentionally and got the bless-ed 5/5. I was going to quit to play dota but then I saw argaloth say "top lel" and I just imagined his 14 year old girly horrible voice and I lost it. I ripped my shirt in half exposing my bare chest and drew in a deep breath. The vessels in my head began throbbing much like my erect penis. I let out a "YULULULULULUL" with such exertion and force that I thought my vocal chords would be ripped in half. I MASHED on my MOUSE METICULOUSLY, methodically going through the MOTIONS of rejoining the server.

The smell of fresh grass entered my nostrils and my horse impatiently stamped the ground.... impatiently. I suppose he could sense the blood lust ringing through my body, emanating from my core. I spurred my horse into action eagerly seeking my prey. This would be no easy task but my faithful companion and I were more than up to the challenge.

Time seemed to move slowly at this point, obviously due to the adrenaline pumping through my body. My quarry was unsuspecting I realized. I was elated, euphoric, ecstatic. Urging my horse to greater SPEEDS than we had ever ACHIEVED I began whooping and guffawing. My mouth was salivating uncontrollably and my nipples were firm and erect. My toes curled in anticipation and my hips gyrated against my horse. I drew an arrow from my quiver and pulled back.....


All in all I am not sorry to krekzor but I am sorry for breaking the rules and rejoining the server. I knew what I was doing was wrong and against the rules but did it anyway because I had to team kill Argaloth.
I witnessed argaloth typing toplel so he deserved it. Argaloth was acting like the autistic my old friend he is.
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Offline Palurgee

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Re: Ban Cikel
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2013, 05:00:40 am »
i have nothing to contribute besides that i had some good laughs at this thread. #FreeCikel2013

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Re: Ban Cikel
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2013, 05:05:06 am »

Offline Taser

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Re: Ban Cikel
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2013, 05:13:12 am »
The best bit is I rejoined the server and team killed Argaloth

Ban Cikel 2013

But I suppose if I'm going to get banned the truth should at least come out:

Last map I accidently hit krekzor who immediately M'd me oh well I can take an M like a man. I then team hit him since the round was winding down and we were clearly winning. I typed "sorry accident' or something to the effect purely for my jollies. He then began attempting to berate me as only krekzer can. It was like arguing with a limp penis. I told him I'm sorry I wasn't up to his J4G standards and imagined his shitty voice cracking voice and I got a good laugh. Something about him seeing a penis and liking it

This map I was on my horse archer. Sandy said something rude to me (probably imagined) in team speak so I shot his horse 3 times. I then team bumped (going really slowly mind you) 2 people unintentionally and got the bless-ed 5/5. I was going to quit to play dota but then I saw argaloth say "top lel" and I just imagined his 14 year old girly horrible voice and I lost it. I ripped my shirt in half exposing my bare chest and drew in a deep breath. The vessels in my head began throbbing much like my erect penis. I let out a "YULULULULULUL" with such exertion and force that I thought my vocal chords would be ripped in half. I MASHED on my MOUSE METICULOUSLY, methodically going through the MOTIONS of rejoining the server.

The smell of fresh grass entered my nostrils and my horse impatiently stamped the ground.... impatiently. I suppose he could sense the blood lust ringing through my body, emanating from my core. I spurred my horse into action eagerly seeking my prey. This would be no easy task but my faithful companion and I were more than up to the challenge.

Time seemed to move slowly at this point, obviously due to the adrenaline pumping through my body. My quarry was unsuspecting I realized. I was elated, euphoric, ecstatic. Urging my horse to greater SPEEDS than we had ever ACHIEVED I began whooping and guffawing. My mouth was salivating uncontrollably and my nipples were firm and erect. My toes curled in anticipation and my hips gyrated against my horse. I drew an arrow from my quiver and pulled back.....


All in all I am not sorry to krekzor but I am sorry for breaking the rules and rejoining the server. I knew what I was doing was wrong and against the rules but did it anyway because I had to team kill Argaloth.

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Re: Ban Cikel
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2013, 05:39:44 am »
This is what happens when you let children play vidja games. I've been saying it for years, ain't I been saying it for years?

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Re: Ban Cikel
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2013, 05:48:47 am »
This thread has gone on long enough. Banned for 24 hours for Teamkilling and exploiting. Please direct any criticisms to my admin feedback thread.
Worst admin ever, horrible person, rude in chat, griefs in game, threatens with kicks and bans if you don't praise him in his admin thread, doesn't worship the goat, and worst of all, uses a crossbow, I suggest instant removal of admin rights and crucifixion.