Author Topic: Rain should slow down ALL projectiles  (Read 3306 times)

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Re: Rain should slow down ALL projectiles
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2013, 05:37:09 pm »
Let's pick out this part
Rain should effect all classes equally

You can't take half a sentence as a point to evaluate. (Or at least you shouldn't if you want your argument/opinion to have any weight behind it)

And I said throwing is a form of the ranged class, so there you go.

Throwing can be classed as a ranged form of attack, but unless you combine their WPF's archery, xbow and throwing remain different classes. So ranged is not a class in this respect. Therefore when I say all classes or non, I mean 1h, 2h, pole, archery, xbow, throwing not melee vs ranged.

All the mockery didn't address why "the strings are affected and it has to be that way cause realism" in the first place.

The mockery was directed at your idea/opinion -
Pretty sure the glove wetness makes it lose its elastic frictional grip and the object is not firmly in grasp and does not receive full power.

Not the realism behind how rain affects the string on a bow. So it was never intended to address that issue.

Offline haxKingdom

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Re: Rain should slow down ALL projectiles
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2013, 04:52:37 am »

Throwing can be classed as a ranged form of attack, but unless you combine their WPF's archery, xbow and throwing remain different classes. So ranged is not a class in this respect. Therefore when I say all classes or non, I mean 1h, 2h, pole, archery, xbow, throwing not melee vs ranged.

Seriously? You're arguing that classes can't be called "ranged" or "melee" only 2h/1h etc..

If you're going to argue rationally, you may want to note that even though throwing has its own wpf separate from bow so does 1h, 2h , polarm wpf. And they're still "melee" not "their own classes."

Not the realism behind how rain affects the string on a bow. So it was never intended to address that issue.

Um, so it was kind of like a bunch of deflection from the real issue.. why there's suddenly superfluous realism which targets all range except throwing. Nice argumentative weight.

Offline Vermilion

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Re: Rain should slow down ALL projectiles
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2013, 07:37:39 am »
Seriously? You're arguing that classes can't be called "ranged" or "melee" only 2h/1h etc..

If you're going to argue rationally, you may want to note that even though throwing has its own wpf separate from bow so does 1h, 2h , polarm wpf. And they're still "melee" not "their own classes."

You may want to re-read what I put.

Um, so it was kind of like a bunch of deflection from the real issue.. why there's suddenly superfluous realism which targets all range except throwing. Nice argumentative weight.

They where just going by your suggestion to make gloves slippery when wet.

If you read the posts above (slowly and carefully) you will see someone put "rain affects the STRING on bows and Xbows"; it's not realism against ranged, it's realism against string.

If rain has no effect on projectiles, then throwing is going to be unaffected because at no point does it use/require string.

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Re: Rain should slow down ALL projectiles
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2013, 07:42:47 pm »
Considering this is in the realism section then the argument aught to be xbows and bows get affected by rain more than throwing weapons because the strings were usually made of some form of dried organic material, animal sinews or so other form of fibers. therefore when it rains these organic materials stop being dry and loose their tautness (How tight they are(due to them shrinking when dry and expanding when wet)) causing a loss of power.

Unless I'm very much mistaken throwing weapons don't have this issue.

Aurora makes me grab a shield every game!

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Re: Rain should slow down ALL projectiles
« Reply #19 on: November 29, 2013, 11:43:52 pm »
less whining, more playing ^^
Archer forever :D