I'm big time coffee drinker. It's always every other news report telling it's good for you and every other telling it's the Satan's work and it kills you
. It's good stuff during the day but I've found alternatives for the evenings.
I've been drinking green tea and chaga mushroom tea before bed time. I collected those chaga shroomz myself bro. It's expensive stuff if you had to buy it from some fancy hippie dippie shop.
Green tea is supposed to speed up your metabolism and it tastes pretty good.
Chaga mushroom is almost like coffee. Black and quite strong flavor for a tea. I can only recommend you try it. It's also called "The mushroom of immortality" and it has some serious health benefits
http://www.chagaknowledge.com/chagabenefits.htmThe sugar you do put in it not I guess. Maybe I should start drinking it without sugar. But then again, without sugar, it tastes like shit.
Sugar in coffee?!!! What the shit!?
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loginCoffee + milk or just black coffee is much better than ruining it with sugar...