I usually don't make ban threads but he was talking shit to me the map before field by the river, and then he goes and teamwounds me the next map.
You've got 3 ban threads you've made on the first three pages maybe more but that's all I cared to see. Anyhow, you just admitted you got mad at him for talking shit to you and instead of being like "dude knock it off" in game you waited until he "intentionally" team wounded you which just so conveniently happened to be the very next map. In your screenshot of the logs I can clearly see how angry Arthenon was, I mean who types "vote for Pedro" in a calm demeanor.
In the case of Sir Firebus vs. Arthenon_CavSLAYER I find Arthenon guilty of referencing a movie that is now old as hell, and Firebus guilty of nerd raging at words over the interwebs. I order the plaintiff to take a chill pill and relax and the defendant to watch more recent movies. Thread closed. You're welcome.