Author Topic: Unbay essay: "Why is leeching bad for me and my team? "  (Read 9956 times)

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Re: Unbay essay: "Why is leeching bad for me and my team? "
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2013, 04:32:38 pm »
BAN! He has bad stats! 4:28, he was doing it on purpose! Ban also King_James_of_Acre for 5:28, and maybe Jedae_of_Acre 0:5. But don't ban opponents, cuz they were helping ya, e. g. Chevalier_de_Westwoode 8:43, Maximus_The_Destroyer 0:47 and ofc Kadeth 0:5.


You don't get banned for having bad stats, you get banned for suiciding, which is considered griefing. Do it one or two times and noone bats an eye, but if you have to get banned for it, it's definitely griefing and i trust Dach and his judgement on this. So instead of keeping his head down for a week, your buddy decided to start griefing on NA as well and with a ban-history like his, you can't really expect me to be kind to him and give him an unban.
This applies to you as well, Sanxus. Your next ban will be quite a long one, too. Just sayin.

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Re: Unbay essay: "Why is leeching bad for me and my team? "
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2013, 10:37:43 pm »
Just a little something to add so you can learn for next time.

Having a bad k/d in a strat battle isn't against the rule... but when you get asked multiple time by the guys who hired you for the battle to stop ramboing and you don't listen. He his in is right to ask an admin to remove you from his fight.

That specififc ban was of 30min (time for the battle to finish)

But considering your past history on the EU server, you should have known better.  :wink:
A lot of people in the NA community know that Dach rages and in the process of his uncontrollable rage, he tends to kick people.

You've been warned! :twisted:

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Re: Unbay essay: "Why is leeching bad for me and my team? "
« Reply #17 on: November 14, 2013, 09:54:21 pm »
Just a little something to add so you can learn for next time.

Having a bad k/d in a strat battle isn't against the rule... but when you get asked multiple time by the guys who hired you for the battle to stop ramboing and you don't listen. He his in is right to ask an admin to remove you from his fight.

That specififc ban was of 30min (time for the battle to finish)

But considering your past history on the EU server, you should have known better.  :wink:

Wait what? Are you saying I can get a player banned for disobeying orders?

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