I was waiting for a "philosophical" topic on how to fight crime, in which I would have probably said something along these lines : "How to fight crime : a never ending battle."
Now, "How to fight armed criminals when doing criminal activities" : guns can be useful indeed
Nice murder. Dumb cop... seriously.
This. So fucking this.
It might have been a fake gun and he started shooting in public..
Murdering criminals and dealing with it is a part of a cop job. All murders arent equal. Be it morally or legally.
Those kind of comments make it hard for cops though.
The only way to deal with guns is guns.
No possibility to detect a fake + in the middle of armed robbery = no warning shoot approved (at least for me, then maybe there is some dumb laws somewhere to prove me wrong).
Being in a public place increase the difficulty of the choice the cop made, but he made that choice and chose to deal with what may happen.