you contradicted yourself, I'll rewrite it agian anyways.. its called a MERC CONTRACT.. anyone can take one out, even FCC again. Weebo changed the color for an easy transfer at some point, when we can get all our members to even look at the strat map (unlikely) you'll notice we are a beautiful shade of teal.
Sigh, even Bale is confused as to what is happening. I feel your pain Bale.
I just see Dynamike all Yellow and I have no idea what's going on. I understand what a MERC CONTRACT is, in all capitals or not. Pretty simple shit. Just curious since DYNAMIKE IS YeLloW and you say you're all TEal. Plus you were PArt of FcC or AllIED with them At SoME point because when they attacked US THEy used You to DO IT.
Edit: on second thought, fuck this I'm out.