Author Topic: Tell us about your journey through CRPG. (Your clan history.)  (Read 9995 times)

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Re: Tell us about your journey through CRPG. (Your clan history.)
« Reply #105 on: October 18, 2013, 05:15:35 am »
Oh the history...

-I started out in Chevaliers last summer.
-I'm currently still with them and don't plan to leave anytime soon.
-Later on in our history we ended up pledging our allegiance to the great Arrowaine and got assimilated into the Borg Collective.

All in all... I've seen enough things come and go to enjoy the group of people I've gotten to know.

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Re: Tell us about your journey through CRPG. (Your clan history.)
« Reply #106 on: October 18, 2013, 05:42:37 am »
Started out when BeatrixKiddo was the scariest thing on the battlefield and Nk_Coldhart was the best archer in (NA) crpg.

-Searaiders: joined because I liked the nordic theme and always played Nords on SP native. Left because, well, I'm not european.

-ATS: was noticed by Goretooth, and later Gash invited me to vent so we could play our assassin characters together. I really do miss ATS, some of the best players in the game at the time, and a lot of neat people came through that ventrilo. A good percentage of the old NA crpg crowd probably applied to ATS at some point, or at least thought about it.

-JABONRA/SEMENstorm: I took a break from crpg for about a year, came back and ATS had disbanded (fucking Noodles) and most of the people I like went to Dan's not giving a fuck clan JABONRA which loom shared/banner stacked with SEMENstorm. Once again, lots of good times in SEMENstorm vent were had, and I still pop in there every once in awhile.  :D

-FUPA: Was my try at being srs bsns with strategus. We took a few villages, but never made any major waves. I did end up in the FRISIAN bundle of sticksS team speak, however, and they're some cool dudes.

-REALM OF THE GOBBLIN KING: Rubes and Daruvian came to me in the early stages of this gay operation, and since I was doing nothing but sitting in a desert town sucking my own dick, I decided to join in. Best decision yet.
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Re: Tell us about your journey through CRPG. (Your clan history.)
« Reply #107 on: October 18, 2013, 10:44:34 am »
Was introduced by a RL friend Bothersome_Aldryk, who invited me to hang out with RS (Remnants of Stratia), bunch of cool fellas there. Tried everything under the sun for builds, ended up making a billion alts (Back in the day Kalam made fun of me for having over 50)... A lot of them died horrible deaths much later on when we temporarily had the ability to cannibalize characters for the main's XP. Settled on a warbow 10PD build and experimented from there, using it for long range and a hefty PS Miaodao for close in work, happy as could be I spent my life hunting archers and especially horses, keeping a tally.

As Aldryk drifted away from c-RPG I drifted away from RS, though I still hung out with a few such as Athenian (or whatever the hell his name was), Mike, and a few others, as well as the regular guests like Air (Miss him and his unforgettable tricks such as the port assault and his floating airborn crossbow horse, or our peasant duels).

Then one day I received this:

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To this date the only Fallen member to have been personally invited by our founding Captain, and there is a small amount of pride, as silly as that may be as this is a game... But it still feels like a nice small glow.

This was well back when I acted on the forums and in-game like how I acted on Teamspeak (sane), hence his mention of "maturity" and all that... Well before I got bored on the forums (and later on in-game chat even)... Back before the game became so boring for me that the forums became more entertaining and I acted insane. *shrugs* Still, Aldryk was amused, and so was the entire Fallen Brigade, on how many people take me seriously, so it's all worth it... Or was...

I was a part of a few other clans at the same time, "Incognito" for various reasons, Acre, and LLJK to name a few, and was a regular to a lot of other clan teamspeaks, favorites being Unicorns and Caravan Guards (Had a lot of fun there). Made a lot of great friends, and that is why I played c-RPG due to the community, players and devs and all...

Years passed, I was pretty happy, but due to several specific events (I think Curtis and Blackberry especially heard the full story, though honestly I love the entire Fallen Brigade, not a single clan even comes close besides the black Company  :wink: )  I left the Fallen Brigade, though I sworn I never would, and joined my NA Brothers in arms in the Black Company... But was more of a ghost, appeared for a month, carved up people crutching on a post-30 build with 70-ish body armor and more agi then most NA... And of course the hilarious autoblocking shields... Then remembered why I left c-RPG in the first place...

So here I am, a member of the Black Company, still checking here for old-times sake, playing when my c-RPG buddies are online but mostly absent as solo is no longer interesting. I guess I'm not much of a clan-hopper. Now excuse me while I go back to my new game and its community, fresh and full of new vitriol, proper trolling, and no idiotic strategus with associated idiotic grudges, and grade-A craziness.

Best of wishes to the Fallen Brigade, may the Scorpion, however tattered, fly high and proud. I've learned a lot from, and the comradery was a wonderful experience, I'd have to recommend them for any EU looking for a clan, especially anyone Finish  :mrgreen:

TL;DR version:
Blame Aldryk for my presence, I am his greatest troll, his greatest prank, upon this community.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 11:43:13 am by Tears of Destiny »
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
Death is a fun way to pass the time though, several little bullets moving in staccato.
The terror of my reign will live on in infamy, singing when they die like a dead man's symphony.

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Re: Tell us about your journey through CRPG. (Your clan history.)
« Reply #108 on: October 18, 2013, 12:50:02 pm »
First I made a troll clan with a RL friend, POLLY with the bird banner.

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Then I got bored with my heavy armor and axe because I found it really OP. No one could block back then. After that I made Ninjas after seeing Shinobi improvise the outfit we use today, and very quickly made it clear that our mission was to cut down on archers. (Which was ridiculously OP back then.)

I'm still not bored of being a Ninja, although it is frustrating at times! Being a Ninja just has the right mix of danger, power, thinking and speedy fights. Backstabbing archers still gives me great pleasure, although less than before, as they are less OP.

Never learned Khorin's epic group fighting skills.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 12:54:25 pm by Thomek »
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That Thomeck-delay-kicking bussiness is like that asshole-retard dude that fucks your sister sometimes.


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Re: Tell us about your journey through CRPG. (Your clan history.)
« Reply #109 on: October 18, 2013, 09:56:26 pm »
1.  Started like 3 years back with xKhanx. We were the only clan tough enough to put x's before and after our tags. We were a purple wave of ineptitude, I loved it.
After a few months of computer trouble I returned to discover that our clan had bloomed into the majestic flower that is now HoC. No longer did we wear the stock purple banner with yellow bear. We were a newer, sleeker, greener, and more "teamwork" oriented kind of inept. Eventually I made my way up in the clan and donned the mascot tag, such is the gift of absolute power.

2.  I had threatened to leave the hounds only but once. There was a massive influx of 13 year old recruits one summer, the electronic "music" and nasal voices were just too much.
This was resolved, and I believe said recruits joined FCC. (nasal voices, surprise!)

3.  I remain in HoC to this day because they provide me with the perfect balance of male companionship, ingame teamwork, helpful insight, and the playful racism on which I feed.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 10:03:43 pm by SMEGMAR »
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Smegmar #1 NA HOC guy that actually doesn't suck dick at cRPG

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Re: Tell us about your journey through CRPG. (Your clan history.)
« Reply #110 on: October 18, 2013, 10:33:48 pm »
1. I've been a Unicorn before I even owned the game. The Unicorns are an old CS 1.6 cs_assault community called Forbidden Donut. Bramd, Kilgore, Sir_DanielBytes, and Governor are people I have known for many years. Governor, Bramd, and I have been playing random shit together for almost a decade now. Because of this I will never leave the Unicorns even if I am the last one (current situation). The Legend of our clan coming into existence was Gov, Bramd, Kilgore, and Elize wanted to pick the gayest clan they could think of and saw the unicorn banner. For some drunken reason they thought doing Corns_ was a good idea, I changed that because people thought we were a vegetable clan.

2. When Strat 2.0 rolled out we went on a mission to find a larger active group to join up with. The only parties interested in us newbies were Acre and the FCC, so we chose the FCC. Blackrose, Hospitaller, Chaos, Occitan, ATS, and a few more rejected us. The Unicorns became an archer squad, except for Bramd who was the lone axe/pikeman to protect us, and eventually we built up a fearsome reputation of 24 strength Longbow Users of Death. In my opinion the two best NA archer's were Governor and sWalker.

3. Strat 3.0 pretty much made the FCC quit and it was because of two reasons; Game Mechanics or Admin Intervention. Governor and Elyze (Sir_danielbytes) quit forever so I now keep their looms safe in my inventory as memorabilia, never for trade and rarely used unfortunately.

4. During strat 4.0 I officially became the Leader of the Unicorns and my first action as leader was retiring the Unicorns from strat, letting all members freely chose who they work for or what they do. They all kept their tags, but they are now split between being in the FCC or being in my strat faction. I created my ninja faction as a way to keep myself entertained and for the freedom of doing whatever I wanted without having to answer to Big Brother (FCC). Sometimes I help the FCC, sometimes I ignore the them, and sometimes I even fight against them, but I'll probably always stay on the c-rpg side of the fcc because I've made a lot of good friends here. They kind of need me anyway, a lot of them have trouble with politely expressing their viewpoints on the diplomacy forums. :)
« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 10:38:20 pm by Gmnotutoo »
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Re: Tell us about your journey through CRPG. (Your clan history.)
« Reply #111 on: October 19, 2013, 12:25:42 am »
Started out when BeatrixKiddo was the scariest thing on the battlefield and Nk_Coldhart was the best archer in (NA) crpg.

Daddynasty WAS BETTER. Don't really remember, lol. There were so many scary archers back then, mostly from Northern Republic. I wanna say Coldhart was the best sniper, Daddnasty was the scariest machinegunner. All this makes me wonder what games the people who disappeared play now.

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Re: Tell us about your journey through CRPG. (Your clan history.)
« Reply #112 on: October 19, 2013, 01:09:58 am »
I've been to several clans since I'm not loyal enough to stay forever and ever in the same place.

First one was 22nd. Phyrex got me into the game and it was only natural that I'd join his clan. I left 6 months later for Nordmen, as 22nd was dying and I didn't really like som  of the new members during that time.

I was in Nords for a year and I had a superduper great time at Nordmen, and I still miss the guys there and a part of me wish I'd be a Nord still. However, I had to go on, since I still enjoyed playing the game and Nordmen was dying and no one played cRPG anymore.

So I ended up in Byzantium, which is an awesome clan but for one swede, called Kenda. I left briefly for the newly formed Kalmarunionen but I missed all the my old friendzantiums too damn much so I had to go back. Byzantium are still pretty active so it's a good clan to join if you enjoy hanging out with nerds on ts 8-)
I hope you guys get some sort of sticky balls deseases and smell like my armpits, sorry excusese for nolife fucking cunts you are.

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Re: Tell us about your journey through CRPG. (Your clan history.)
« Reply #113 on: October 19, 2013, 01:12:23 am »
Daddynasty WAS BETTER. Don't really remember, lol. There were so many scary archers back then, mostly from Northern Republic. I wanna say Coldhart was the best sniper, Daddnasty was the scariest machinegunner. All this makes me wonder what games the people who disappeared play now.

Oh man, I'm getting flashback triggers to seeing that bald headed no shoes bastard sprinting around, popping off arrows....
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Re: Tell us about your journey through CRPG. (Your clan history.)
« Reply #114 on: October 19, 2013, 01:59:56 am »
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« Last Edit: April 11, 2014, 10:46:29 pm by Sauce »

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Re: Tell us about your journey through CRPG. (Your clan history.)
« Reply #115 on: October 19, 2013, 02:09:26 am »
-joined blackrose
-blackrose changed name to invictus
-invictus changed name to astralis

here i am

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Re: Tell us about your journey through CRPG. (Your clan history.)
« Reply #116 on: October 19, 2013, 03:51:26 am »
Started as 3rd in MM. We then moved into cRPG. I was know as Churchill untill cRPG came. xKhanx soon disbanded and everyone went to HoC or elsewere. I went to Hospitaller. They decided my name was gay and I needed to change it. So Devastater said that I was like Gomer Pyle from Full Metal Jacket so I was forever know as Gomer. Soon after me and Sup3r started fighting because he is the biggest internet clutching fake hillbilly raciest try hard shit bag loom clutching dick. He then cried to Devastater either I leave or he does and Devester decided that he wanted to keep the guy with 60 looms over the (at the time) little Gen 3. So after that I was no clan for a long time. I hung out in astralis and helped Valdian get his clan started and such. Then I left for about 6months and came back and joined GOW soon after I was challanging one of em to a duel and the asshole beat me twice and wouldn't let me change my build to match his spam. So I called him out and then he banned me. Then I joined FAP clan, then we all got banned for fapping. Now I reside in Blue Fang solution TS with my homies. If you need a server HMU .50 USD a slot up to $100 after that its a solid $50 for 200 Slots. Anyway Thinking of making my own clan but then again I will be perma banned soon so.

BTW: If I missed my experience in you'r clan in my story it's because I forgot I was in you'r clan. I've been banned from many.

« Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 04:16:54 am by This_Isnt_Gomer »
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Re: Tell us about your journey through CRPG. (Your clan history.)
« Reply #117 on: October 19, 2013, 05:10:08 am »
founded cup clan, still the leader of cup clan. fk draacul
this man is dirty gwai lo. created cup clan. CUP CLAN BEST CLAN. left cup clan for raven. still in raven.

P.S. fuk dracul
Okay, I need your protection, your love. :P

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Re: Tell us about your journey through CRPG. (Your clan history.)
« Reply #118 on: October 19, 2013, 05:12:42 am »
I started playing since August of 2012, a little over a year ago. About two months in, I joined HoC when they were massive, although not great in quality. Not until 2 or 3 months after did I really start to connect with both my clan and the game itself. The clan has been close to splitting up multiple times but HoC remains to be one big, retarded family. We're still around and puttin', and we've actually grown to be one of the better NA clans in-game (laugh all you want.)

Bonesaw, Smegmar, Warborn, Dazed, Jeade, Nick, Gallonigher, Jona, Redgar, my IRL friends - Largos and Forsvar & the rest of the whole game make this game enjoyable.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 05:46:09 am by Lord_Bernie_of_Voodoo »

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Re: Tell us about your journey through CRPG. (Your clan history.)
« Reply #119 on: October 19, 2013, 05:24:10 am »
I started playing since August of 2012, a little over a year ago. About two months in, I joined HoC when they were massive, although not great in quantity quality. Not until 2 or 3 months after did I really start to connect with both my clan and the game itself. The clan has been close to splitting up multiple times but HoC remains to be one big, retarded family. We're still around and puttin', and we've actually grown to be one of the better NA clans in-game (laugh all you want.)

Bonesaw, Smegmar, Warborn, Dazed, Jeade, Nick, Gallonigher, Jona, Redgar, my IRL friends - Largos and Forsvar & the rest of the whole game make this game enjoyable.
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 <--- This is my Rifle there are many like it but this one is MINE.