If it were to be implemented, most likely not, but would it be op?
if it would be added I guess the simplest way to implement it is the left swing would be replaced with an animation that should the left hand making an attack move, it would be much slower then the current left swing that is held in the right hand, allthough I guess it's reach would be greater.
(i guess you could replace all the animations and make him do crazy assasins creed ninja shit with dual wield but this is just simple put.
having a different weapon in each hand and being able to combine shit like heavy blunt knockdown and a long strong cutter sounds op, I don't know how it would end up tbh, you do have your left swing severely gimped compared the the current one, no left swing spam angle, would it be op?
if i'm right, which im not sure i never take such thing into account when I garb up for some bloodshething
, having two weapons will slow you down like crazy because of the weight?