
What weapons would you add??

20 (12.7%)
37 (23.4%)
32 (20.3%)
Blunt weapons
23 (14.6%)
Pierce weapons
16 (10.1%)
Cut weapons
7 (4.4%)
23 (14.6%)

Total Members Voted: 155

Voting closed: October 15, 2013, 11:54:04 am

Author Topic: Attention people, I need your help..  (Read 4160 times)

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Re: Attention people, I need your help..
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2013, 02:18:55 pm »
Great long bardiche is pretty long and hardhitting, a weapon longer than that would probably just be broken.
Except that it's slow and gets stuck on pretty mutch evrything.
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Re: Attention people, I need your help..
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2013, 02:22:19 pm »
+3 GLB is awesome, too bad everybody is a spamwhore nowdays

Just might play a gen of 24/15 GLB

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Re: Attention people, I need your help..
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2013, 02:23:24 pm »
mod needs a long,  stabby weapon that can be used on horseback to kill people.  Something like a heavy lance,  but with damage output.  :mrgreen:
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Re: Attention people, I need your help..
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2013, 02:24:55 pm »
(no ranged)

fu ;-)

actually bows, arrows, xbows and bolts are the LEAST varied items in game and could really use some love and creativity!
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Re: Attention people, I need your help..
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2013, 02:28:51 pm »
I would love to see "Looney tunes axe" again ingame. Just because it was so ridiculous weapon.
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Re: Attention people, I need your help..
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2013, 02:30:35 pm »
I'd love to see you try to spam people with long maul hiltslash attempts, you are simply not correct.

It doesn't always work with the long maul due to the poor damage and soak negate of blunt. With the great maul, I spam almost always. A bit less if I know I won't get any blockstuns though.

I really don't get this burning hatred for polearms you have.

I really don't hate polearms, I hate hiltslashing, and all kinds of swings and stabs that hit before being actually rendered (or possibly blockable), which in my experience playing on both ends of the attack happens much more often with polearms.

If you were right then the Long Voulge should've been a popular weapon.

The Looney Tunes axe wasn't a popular weapon at all either. It only became slightly more so when I started using it 24/7 even in duel. If you look around, many slightly OP melee weapons aren't that much more used than "just decent" counterparts these days.

It wasn't, only Bars used it consistently and he did well because he was simply experienced with it and a good player overall.

The problem reduces to hiltslashing, really. Bars was good with a long voulge because he had it masterworked and could hiltslash consistently. While I do not want to deny his skill doing that particular thing, it is still a bug.

Everyone agrees the glaive is a my old friendget weapon, but it doesn't seem anybody is able to pinpoint the reasoning behind it. I'm saying it is the combination of length, sideswings, polearm animations, polestun (yes, lower body stun) and decent damage. Basically any weapon with those traits is horrible to play against, because every second attack they will hit before you can see an animation played on your screen and every successful attack pins you on the ground making you a sitting duck for any other player.

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Re: Attention people, I need your help..
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2013, 02:32:01 pm »
stop it, nerds

Also, 2h best h.
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Re: Attention people, I need your help..
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2013, 02:36:32 pm »
2h need some love we have almost the same 2h weapons that in 2010
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Re: Attention people, I need your help..
« Reply #23 on: October 08, 2013, 02:41:40 pm »
I'd love to see you try to spam people with long maul hiltslash attempts, you are simply not correct. I really don't get this burning hatred for polearms you have. If you were right then the Long Voulge should've been a popular weapon. It wasn't, only Bars used it consistently and he did well because he was simply experienced with it and a good player overall.

The NA Chaos clan at the time all used the long Voulge as a weapon, and used it in strat battles as well, at times in battle you would have 10 guys with long voulges, and the strat battles well you get the idea.  They were long and quite spammy with high cut damage, It was very hard to fight that.

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Re: Attention people, I need your help..
« Reply #24 on: October 08, 2013, 02:53:44 pm »
I voted shields, as I played shielder for 6 gens or so. I think some decent lightweight shields are needed and some shields with spikes that could hurt a horse if they run you over while blocking or give dmg with the nudge button.

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Re: Attention people, I need your help..
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2013, 03:02:44 pm »
Yes, in Strategus the old Long Voulge was a very good weapon, especially for it's price. The cut damage was quite low though, think it was like 38, which made it suited pretty much only for low armour early strat battles. On regular battle where at least on EU everyone rocks 50-70 body armour, 38c is nothing compared to what the slightly shorter, much faster polearms like a GLB offer. Which was why pretty much no one used it. It was a gimpy weapon which was nerfed because of Strat, which was bullshit. They should have increased the price to prevent it's over usage in early Strat battles.

My proposed stats have 80 speed with an unbalanced weapon. That shit is tricky to use and you won't hiltslash anyone with it. I don't know what the original stats were from the 4 direction Long Voulge, but they were not OP when combined with an increase in price. I would find those old stats good too.

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Re: Attention people, I need your help..
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2013, 03:25:32 pm »
Actually, more ranged variety might be nice.
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Re: Attention people, I need your help..
« Reply #27 on: October 08, 2013, 03:39:50 pm »
Althou id like to see even more of my beloved 1h-s ingame, I must admit, the selection is quite varied. The 2h selection is not half bad either. Pole variation aint so awful either..... Personally im pleased with the the current weaponselection. Id just like more armors and perhaps shields.

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Re: Attention people, I need your help..
« Reply #28 on: October 08, 2013, 03:40:20 pm »
Actually, more ranged variety might be nice.

Also a little ranged buff would be good for the mod
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Re: Attention people, I need your help..
« Reply #29 on: October 08, 2013, 03:41:25 pm »
Yes, in Strategus the old Long Voulge was a very good weapon, especially for it's price. The cut damage was quite low though, think it was like 38, which made it suited pretty much only for low armour early strat battles. On regular battle where at least on EU everyone rocks 50-70 body armour, 38c is nothing compared to what the slightly shorter, much faster polearms like a GLB offer. Which was why pretty much no one used it. It was a gimpy weapon which was nerfed because of Strat, which was bullshit. They should have increased the price to prevent it's over usage in early Strat battles.

My proposed stats have 80 speed with an unbalanced weapon. That shit is tricky to use and you won't hiltslash anyone with it. I don't know what the original stats were from the 4 direction Long Voulge, but they were not OP when combined with an increase in price. I would find those old stats good too.
Everyone knows I am no expert on game mechanic. I just play and don't really care about how things work.
The things that made me "not disagree" or object Teeth's proposal is the 20 strength requirement. The best you can achieve on the annoying agi side is probably 21/21 as build. I mean, everyone dislikes GLA spammer. A strong weapon that limits a build in such a reasonable way can't really be a problem, right?

Just my 2 cents.

Oww, and give knockdown to the Double Sided Lance. Nothing else than a quarterstaff with little blades at the end. Do that!
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