I'd love to see you try to spam people with long maul hiltslash attempts, you are simply not correct.
It doesn't always work with the long maul due to the poor damage and soak negate of blunt. With the great maul, I spam almost always. A bit less if I know I won't get any blockstuns though.
I really don't get this burning hatred for polearms you have.
I really don't hate polearms, I hate hiltslashing, and all kinds of swings and stabs that hit before being actually rendered (or possibly blockable), which in my experience playing on both ends of the attack happens much more often with polearms.
If you were right then the Long Voulge should've been a popular weapon.
The Looney Tunes axe wasn't a popular weapon at all either. It only became slightly more so when I started using it 24/7 even in duel. If you look around, many slightly OP melee weapons aren't that much more used than "just decent" counterparts these days.
It wasn't, only Bars used it consistently and he did well because he was simply experienced with it and a good player overall.
The problem reduces to hiltslashing, really. Bars was good with a long voulge because he had it masterworked and could hiltslash consistently. While I do not want to deny his skill doing that particular thing, it is still a bug.
Everyone agrees the glaive is a my old friendget weapon, but it doesn't seem anybody is able to pinpoint the reasoning behind it. I'm saying it is the combination of length, sideswings, polearm animations, polestun (yes, lower body stun) and decent damage. Basically any weapon with those traits is horrible to play against, because every second attack they will hit before you can see an animation played on your screen and every successful attack pins you on the ground making you a sitting duck for any other player.