I'm sitting on a ridiculous amount of plate armor and gold. I want to make fun strat battles happen. Equal plate armor and just one type of weapon. We had the rondel fight the first time, people had fun and no one cared which side won. Me and Artyem chose teams at random. There's other shit in the pipeline. The only thing holding me back from having a battle every night is troops.
Let's work together and get past all this gayness, faction shit, e-penis, etc. Let's just get the most exp possible in fun battles. Let's bring the community back together, instead of the great divide we have now. I want to fight side by side with some Occitans. I want to be friendly with people from other factions. I want to be in the same TS as some of my Frisian friends. On battle, we're on the same team half the time. Let's just game strat. If everyone's not generation 16+ in two months, I'll be upset.
I'm in New Reyvadin. Come by, make troops for me. Technically, I'm still in FCC faction, not clan, but its because I need my troop farmers to transfer to me without having to allow incoming transfers. I'll change it up soon. Anyone who needs some gold to farm troops indefinitely, I got you. COME ON DOWN!