My bad dude. I went to save the roster and instead got the cancel battle button. It it makes you feel any better, I felt completely stupid and wasn't very happy with myself afterwards.
It called a mistake, and i expect them to happen from time to time. And its one of those simple little mistakes, the ones people make all the time...i am just asking devs to do something, so i myself dont have to pay for the error
Again accidents happen, and the devs should anticipate them happening because noone is perfect. Something should be put in place where if a battle actually cancels, and anyone on a battle roster that gets canceled should be removed by the system
As of right now, anyone could join any battle, and once a battle is doesnt actually seem to be canceled, it still shows up in the archive as if there was a battle you should have shown up for.
No hard feeling toward FIDLGB, like i said these things happen, and it appears even they didnt know the battle was gonna be canceled, it just a small error.
But there are people out there who performance is very important too....people that worked very hard to get a perfect 10 \10, shouldnt be punished because they picked a battle that happened to be canceled later.
And to those reading that think reliability and performance are small things to worry about.....lets say there is a strat drought for your side of the map, and you sign up for EU battles...where no one knows you , all they have to go on is your reliability and performance